Ai!White GOOSE DOWN COMFORTERS' Ialthe- teams below nm can give, Val.. --w $17 Val.. $1675 Val. jreckrin v.-iin i ell team. Team J. J. Lipp Paper CornPar'..2 9 ÀNottoli Bros. Produce Co ....... 25 i Armour & CO>..........2 Town Crier Flour ........2j 1 Old %1cnk.olive 011 CO........19 17i Bremner: Bros. IR 18 stewarts Çoffee.............17' 19 Cebhardt*s Chili Pc>wder Cr).._16 20 Ail Amterican Foc>ds........16 20 Bordens- Cheese .*. .ý .. 16 20 Hydrox Beverage Corp. ......15 21 Crse lack,,teil .............531 Htow Last Week's Baitte Ended Lipp Paper Co. to rk 3 gamnes fromn Crosse & Blackwell. Nottoli Projducie tc>k .2 gamnes fromn three straight from the J.eague lead-. ing Artiiiery. Destroyers took fourth place frorn Torpedoes by taking al three games from second place EBombers. Torpedoes *won two from Gunners. This tightened up the race fotri fist position, five teams being ..within, two games of each other. Next F riday should shift- the teams around considerabiy and it is any- body's guess who.will be in the lead at the end of ,the first section. Jah- uary '13. High team gamne:, Destroyers, 1020;, high team three gamnes:. Destroyers, 900, 9521,. 1020,, 2872, high individual game: DIrewes, 24 high individual three games, Moody, 178-167-202, 547; games over 200: Drewes, 214; and Moody, 202.> Standings Armoüurs Stars toôk 2 garnes frorn Artillery,..........17 13 .567 Ail rnercan.Bombers........ .. I-... 16 14 .533 Ai meianCunners......... ..16 14 .533 Stewarts Coff ee took 2 games from Destroyers............ .)5 15 .5w0 Town Crier Fiourn (Note: Due to Trorpedoes .........15 15 .500 .acidnt, to Bert Harchauldt who suf- Engineers . ...... il 19 .367 fered' an ankie fracture. the Town . Fridayý,ill gaîin be Turkey night, Crier teamn is oniy roiling 4 men, tak- However there wiI1 be six turkeys ing the league's absent bowier's score this timne one for each tearn. They .of 135, while Bert is grood for 160 wilI be won on the sarne basis as to 170 average.). The boy-)s from Pet- those for Thanksgiving. 'The bowler erson Bros. hope for Bert's earlyon each teamn having the highest to- return to the alleys. tai pins for the three gamres (includ- Old Mý,onk took 3 games from Hy- ing his full han4iicap) wilI hav2 a drox Beverage, .115 pound turkey delivered to his Bremner Bros. took 2 'games from home the day before1 Christmas. Borden's Cheese. . Should a bowler who won a turkey Hunded Cub Gows for Thanksgiving have the higzhest TWO --number of pins. Friday he ,vill re- nick of Stewarts Coffee and Ed. Rugen of Eremner Bros. .had totais WOMENS- LEAGUE By winninz t hree games from Rat- ny Florists Thursday night. Hi-Ridge Market took undisputed first pilace, a berth held by'Locust Farm Stores since the start of the season. Ben Erîckson DeIiivery won twio games fromi Locust> Farrn Stores and in so doing tied for second place. High. ganw of the evening was rolled by Ada Cummings of Ben Frp1r sf-IrI l iu rv uwfih 189 iu "I' naa page, 1