the fnancing of Cook county scohools outside Chicago during the depres- rsion ,Years. "When a teacher .is foredto *Ve up 25. per. cent for hier salary throùgh discounts beca.use the orders with wihshe is paid are not properly secured she becomes discouraged and is wVorth scarcely more than the amount she receives," the commit- tee cdaims. "But what happens ýto the district which issues these orders?" the comn- mittee; asks. "I t has the services o f a. discouraged teacher but, is forced to pay in full for those. services plus an, interest charge for the term of the teacher's, order. "And the investor? He makes an incomne ranging from 6 per cent. to as high as 60 per cent on orders pickecl up from teachers whip are c.ompelled to seil." Tax Strike Blamed The necessity for the issuance b:ý the township treasurers of interest bearing teachers' orders, the com- mittee states,, was brought about bty a pre-depression. tax strike, issuanc e of tax anticipation warrants to the legal limit. 40 per cent to 60 per cent drops in local assessed valuations, and high delinquency in. tax pay- and wait for a new tax. year, or (2) pay the teachers in teachers' orders." Shorten School Terms Some sehool terms were shortened, the comrnittee learned, but the gen- eral, policy was to pay teach'ers, whose salaries had in many cases already been:reduced,.from 10 per cent to 50 per cent with some Cash and the balance in orders over whose selling price there was no regulation. Thus, .where, outright 'sales ..were made, teachers' orders were dis- counted from 2 per cent to '58 per cent. Fortunately for -the iteachers, however, sonie business men ex- changed the orders at par for coupon books which -could be converted iln- to cash by those willing to earn. their. salaries twice, once in the class- rocim and once as a salesmnan. '«'"There is no doubt but that the credit of the least able districtswfll continue to, decline,." the cornmittee state aid grants, these districts canl continue to run at least a minimumr educational programn without obligat- F ing assessed property beyond its G ability to, pay. S "Those states which have establishe4 substantial state aid pro- S grams came through the depression wvith curtailed school budgets but their paper, drawn as it was against anticipated state revenue, passed rpzarii1v 2t Tnar 24i1lb. bug 241-1b. bug 4 9 l 5bug 15c Ool "M dl Fou, Jojolb73c. cans23 COMI AAMSAND PEAS-CORN 12 ie. 25@ FOMATOESJ en Big Livings in fine Oui Iity, Meats tK LOIN ?2ib Ed -1. I 5 laif Pork Loin T..derlola in *.-. ,-2lib. LAMB Fancy Qualit-y Genuino Sprino 5b WAMNBRAND PORK SI U SUg e MAT 'ýcîi7C -ARCAN'HOME retire thm.mIn sorne districts w7here the assessed valuation per child was high these o)rders were called for payment at an .early date: in the less able districts rnany orders issued as eariy as 1932 have not ye.t been cail- ed and ther-e is no 1ros)ect o)f their being called in the near future. Influence on Market Value "Natturaliy," the report points out. "the finaricial .ability of a school district.had a great deal of influence on the market value of these teach- ders until they fhad mar anticipation warrants up t( limit of the tax levy. Fui these warrants were usual O-ver the counter sales of 1939 automobile license plates started Iast week at :the :Springfield and Chicago offices accordiig to a state- ment issued recently by the auto - mobile department under. Secretary of State Edward J.. Hughes. - Reassignments o! numbers to their present holders on their request are. now being sent out. and the automo- bile department states tha t these , will have been issued in entirety by tax Lincoln aeenue, Winnetka, a sopho- gal more at the University of Michigan, Se, is expected. home Friday of this by wee4< for the Christmas holidays. BACN SQUARES * Cellophane . 5 'r FANCYOUAUTYLONHpIN Granulot.d Sugor 24C