dies. and creamy *maple butter. At bers num Auto Club's Head to Seek Manufacturiters' A id in Bicycle Saft Bicycles factory.equipped to com- py with requirements. of standard city and 'state laws, ls the goal,,of a campaign initiated yesterday by' Carl A., Barrett, President of. the. Illnois Automobile club. "Address- ing himself to the bicycle manufac- turers. of the nation, Mr.. Barrett urged that safety and. protec tive de- vice s required by law be built into the bicycle 'as part of standard' equipmnent. Recently Wilmette's village board passed an ordinance to correct these dangers and such action is under econsideration i Ketilworh -The suburban safety couneil has recom- *mended a uniform ordinance on the subject. "Bicycle safety has become one of the vital factors in the traffic prolem",Mr. Barrett said. "Man- uacturer responsibility 40o the pur- chaser can flot be said to end when the sale is made. Maximum safety for users of bicycles is also his problem. This becomes more read- "Many bicycle statutes and ordin- ances require,*among other protec- tivè anid salety devices, a red re- flector button to be placed on the rear mudguard, six inches below seat level," Mr. Barrett*pointed out'. "Installation of this button, which serves as the bicycle's 'tail light', bas been left entirely to the individ- ual owner. The resuit is that the mrajority of bicycles now in use are not nroperly eciuipped because own- Then how in the world did it hap- pen? That' s what everyone wonders about the drivers who caused. death, and injury to,9,200 persons at rail- road, erossings. last year. Th, ýa recent. stuidy of railroad ac- cidents, Charles M.. Hayes, presi- ~ dent of the Chica go Motor club, die- covered that in many of these, cases the warnin g signails were -in perfect working, order, the engineer, sound-. ed, his whis tle, and the view of thef crossing was clear. Uow ýcan these catastrp.hes be avoided? Construction of grade separations, of course, is the only permnanent so- lution to this' probiemn.. Pending this remnedy, obey that-trite, tiMe- worn warnig seen at ail railroad crossings, "Stop-Look-LiËten." Boys' Club Members Will Present Play Seven small Tiny Tims, seven lean Serooges, seven jovial Bob Ccratch- etts, have been in keen competition during the past weeks for a place. in the ail-star cast to be selected from the seven branches of the Chi- cago Boys clubs for the Christmas wiv e openea for Anotner LChrist- mas, and out of a real six foot book, designed after thé illustrations of Everett Shinn, will step the char- acters as they assume their indi- vidual roles. As each one makes his appearance he will be intro- duced by one of the members cf the Boys clubs, who will imperson- ate the author. In addition to the cast of fifty, which includes the reg- ular spe.aking characters and waits, -W. cmurefllIY wrap and pr.mp*Iy mail PAftCEt POST ORDERS 130 Spanish Court OÔpposite .Teatro del Lago HOT Tips from Santa on COLD Weat ber Wearables Gabardine Shirts, beau- Suede 'Jackets for men tiluly. tailorled. F or and womnen. The linest, men anci $b5 softest.....595 women ....6 suedes Ne w! Leather froint zipper sweaters for ail sports ..$4-00 enthusiasts with fio àd. Men's women's ... GabrineS 3-piece *out women. % Complete. . Accesoriesfor "Little"G$i i *w e tRoeiy Offerwt CORRECT SPORTSWEAR AND RIDING APPAREL FOR ALL THIE PAMILY BAlILE YS, INC Open Euery> Evening Until. Christmas 710 CHURCH ST., EVANSTON GREenleaf 3060 - wi-iLei u I'jIIIi~ vaiureiro, .outh .Amtrica. WiIýmefe871. Mrs. Florence N. Stone Suits. Ill il il; Ill Ill lui III il Il iiiiii il iiiiiiiiffiiiiiiiii il m çapýUre