1% quart covered casserole with pie plate cover or 1 quart with a knob coVier. Westinghouse 39 Percolatol! 'l8 eup eectrie cold -water te, Beau u :design, chromne platcd. Westinuhouseý Coffee Maker Reg. $395. 6 cup. size vih hea-poofglssbowls, 0oom- eciplete with chromiuflplte Westinghouse83.é95 ChrOmiUmplateti, w a 1 n u t handiles andi feet. Complete with. cord.. Reg. .$4.95. r.~. Ne-w 8-Cup Electrie Silex., with Strainex Convet$lower bouiL intÔ tea maker Reg. $5.55 value! Upper and lower bowls with handie, pyrex heat-proof bolwith a chrome triîmmed Electric stove. 5éPiece Set of JVagner Cait ALUMINUM WARIE - fammered Finish A $3.55 Vaine wth heat-proof *9 bakelite handle ~'"'2~ "r-Heywood Wakfield Compi etc Sel' FulIy Equipped Keystone CAGE and STAND Beautiful- design. Enamelled n colors with chrome trim. Slidmng drawer and fulil loop stand to . ............ .75 . . . . . . . . 75 . ... . . . . . ,3 99, STREET - WILMEBTTE'LIFR 30 8Upsize siiex bowl, ,andàcover. 41