Men's GIoves--. Soft cape leather with knitted liriing. Medium or dark brown, black or gray. Buttont and $'.8 snap on styles.ý Sizes 8-10. Arrow Ties Stripes in authentlc color corn- binations and woven figure de- signs in briqht or conservatlv'e shades. Resilienti construction. mach ..... lInferwoven Hose Rabkor Styledi Esquire Featuredt $9-95 Arlintgcrest. finest ail wvool harrow wale flaninel wth contrastlng- wbol pýping on pockets, cuifs and front. A flannel. soft as velvet,' colorfulý as siilk.- Toggle tub * sash that's always in place., :Maroon, bita., areen. * Smal, medium and large. Other. Models $4.9e to $1 9.95 Arrow Shirts Clipp.d figure mnadras, with the appearace of a shirtmalers cloth; and an Arrow collear-assu~ra nc if's thé beïf coilar ever s,6ta'ýd on 30 a shrt. A matchless giff I Sizes 14 .to17 ....................... Zipper Front Sweater 'Brentwood- a new style of soft textur.d wool. eni in front an d back with knitted sleeves-, raglan shaulders. Bue. or La green; sizes 38-46 ..............$ .9 to IL................................... Men's Leatkter Lined SLIPPERS Genuine hand turned slip- pers with leather soles and rubbçr heels. Black. brown, tan, rmd, Mlue, gjreeOn, and wine. Sizes 6 te 12