Jautiful,.handmade fsure.to Skip' a beat unwraps ber box ihbaughty should- ieline to complete.' Wthem ail at Lord's shine of delight and (j (>0 CHRISTMAS assketched) A. Stripes to. make ber slimand wil- lowv in colors that catch the glow of* the fire's deep reds and pale golds. SWith. a flaring,- extravagantly Cut ýkirt.Si05 a. PRippling rayon satin housecat to make her f eel like a princesa. The bodice. is beautiWuly detailed *With ried work. In flattering aqua. C .,Tbrillhe5r with a handmnado gown of satin, lavishly trimimed,.with hand-: nnAlencon lace. 85 0. Lacmng down the front of this' mar- velously suppl.e pure dye silk satin gown. Daintily accented witli deep ecru lace. Ail hand fnse.$ E. Lustrous satin slip cut to fit ber figure without a 'wrinkle. Hand eut- broidered and trimîned with Alencon lace. $295 F. Panties with baud henistitching, insets of. appliqued satin, and cout- pletely edged with Val lace. In duli white pure dye crepe. $2 *H. If she .likes ta wear tailoreci things -choose this nightie of silk crepe, perfectly plain except for hand. em- lroidering.5.5 I.Handmade printed pure satin nightie - vivid -in .bath. color and pattern. Square nieck of flowers and. hows on the shaulders.559 .5. If 4