TV M U for North Sh< Popular Play Fromn Wiggin Story Is Givon- by Request by s'Jaçk and Jilors" By special request, "The ýBirds' Christmas Carol" will be given by the Jack and. Jili Players at the Womnan's club- Saturdày. af - ternoon, December 17, at 2 o'clock, under the auspices of the way s. and- means comnmittee of the Woman's Club of Wilmette. This. beloved play fram the. Kate. flogla Wiginstory was Sa en- thusiastically received in Wilmette a few 'years ago. that the children -have asked ta have it repeated. .Mothers who are thiriking of giving holiday parties for. their chiidrefl, thé. chilreT'5 Iptsys ommitttee ad-, vises, will' Mid a happy solutian to the entertainmeflt prablem by' invit- ing their yaung guests ta see this de- lightful Christmias. play. Nothing they could plan would please the chil- dren mare-. The Wilmette Fire de- partment and the Wilrnette police department, it may be jnterestiflg to note, see that the eidren are well pratected during these performances and the members of Mrs. Starnis fIn iteear awavs nresent to act tv 1% - I ~reChiren Satrcly A large Christmnas tree wili be che' Starms or any member of her coni- center of attraction. at the children's Ciit to Members rnittee:Christmas party whjch.. wil be held Mesdames William R. Collins, F. at Shawnee Country club audy The Christmas prograni of the A. Faville, Geà rge. Coanley, Pa ul afternoon, Decernber 24, fram 2:.30 Gathercoal, J . . Kinncar, C. W. ta 4:30 o'clock. Santa Claus will be Womafl'S Catholic Club> of Wil- Krahl,. George Lamb, N. P.. Linde, there with presents> for ail, and an ,mette will be its gif t ta its rnem- A. an-,.J .entertain.ient will b.e given by te Carl Lavgren, William A an r h bers, a 2card party just for then,. F. L. McGrath, John,.. Petaja, Wil- pupfils of the Qiadys Hight School of lian .Rihrsn.Atu.G tn Dancing. Mrs. Catherine, Rogers of Friday afternaafl of this week at ten, P. W. T aylar, Ottovaný der Hoff, Wîimette Is chairman a- f the party the. clubhouse prarnptly. at 2. Charles A. Willis, Miss Rebecca adassigbraeMs r na Fitch, and Miss Ida Gunderson. of: Wilmette. .Mrs. F. E. Peters of4 a clack. Mrs. Haward. Ringholm is chair- Winnïetka, and Mrs. H. A. Rolle of, The Drizes have been selected %vith a of the. ways and means cor-~ Evanston. great care and interest in their at.- man~ trctiveneSS. It is one bccasion xvhen mite.ail members of the club can get ta.fotherfor nuîrelv social diversion,, To Hoid penHouse Mrs. Lýouis A. Suekoffi and her. daughters, of 819 Chestnut avenue. will hoid open bouse the afterfloon and evening of December.. 26. HoIstess. jo Club. Mrs. Wallace L. iMliller. 610 Forest ave nue, entertaifled the members of her bridge club Tu esday of this week-. Wîii Be Married During Holidoys ail mnembers of the, club take ad- vantage ôf -this opportunitY to -be present. Mrs. Clifton P. Walker, c hairman. and the rnembers of her social corn- mnittee, vwill be. hostesses for the afternoon. Tbey are Mesdames J. W. Dienhart Fank Donh ersbergýýr, Dennis Harrison, Edward A. Hoff man, Frank J. Kracba, Max J. Kell- ing, William D. *Leary, George F Lundy, G. Wallace Moore, Samnuel H4. Moore, John J. Tracey. Departrnt and commnittee Chair- man of the CatholiC club report,,cur- rent activities. Mrs. Frank Oelerich,. Sanctuary chairman, and ber comnmittce meet twice a month, and are busily sèw- - Vi- - vesatmntsand linens- ta the pleasure of the siballer chi- dren ta know the story. Ail the warmth and gaiety of the holiday season is included in this beautiful story of the cheerful littie crippled girl wbo befriended the poor but rabust family of Ruggleses. Caro-l herself is played by Mary. Lou Puck- ner, well-knowfl young beauty-prize winner, and a "veteran" .Jacck and Jiller. Bab Lipschultz, who plays to be given aflter tne iirst 01 .n year. n Ms.Patrick J. Joyce, phiIan tbropy chairman, reports for ber* j committee and the St. Vincent's Or- phanage committee. They have re- furnisbed the club room at -tbe or- phaýnge. .The ,roorfl as new Vene- ian blinds and curtains and bed draperies of white witb black kit- tens witb pink paws and tails. .The cbildrefl also have been given -a set of chromium dishes. Members. of. Clement; Johln ±eynoicis ius; and Mary Lee Swidne the 5'beauty" of the tamil, Tickets for this perforflc be the door, ini the. week f rom Mrs. ,y. ance may or earlier, *Harrison m LPbs Jbi LituPJJ rt*. f Arts, oand Mr. John. western universitl.. $ton' Merrili- Acaoeemy of Fine arnpus of North- Town House Photo. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. WIis,- 1606 Forest avenue, will spend. the Christmas holidays in Alabamna visit- lng rela tives of .Mrs.,Willis. WILM]BTT]g LIFE