Àgain this season two per- formances of the Ballet Russe. e Monte Carlo will-be sponsored by the National Council of Jewish Womnen, Chicago, section, on the nights of January 3. and 4, at the Auditorium> theateri as, its, sole fund' raising p rojeet of the year. Iis one of the, most ambitious benefits attempted by anyý wo- man's organization in Chicago. ]By special arrangement with. the Ballet management only the latest and most popular editions to the c6rapany's repertoire will be- pres- etdon Council nfights.1 The pro- gram on Tuesday, January 3 will inelud.e "Bogatyri," "Carnaval," and "Gaiete Parisienne." "Coppelia" comprise the program on Wednes- day. JanuarY 4., The usual box of- fice prices; will prevail. Tickets may be obtained at the box office or the offices of the National Court; cil o! Jewish Women, Chicago section, 185 North Wabash avenue.ý For forty-five years the National Council of Jewish Womnen, Chicago , section, bas made important contri- butions to the civie, cultural and fund raising project ui a igr o-u, Council Camp at Wauconda, a model summer camp for underpriv- ileged Jewlsh mothers and children, wlll benefit directly by the Ballet performances as wiil the depart- ment of service to the foreign born. *This department, with offices at 130 North Wells street, and with a staff' of six professional workers and a nuxnber of trained voluiteers, is do- - n++ltsfandi3neiiece of work i s t 0 o p e n m eII t i s i g u 1 ,1 1 - V f-a d - -r F a i l e Mother's Club of Wilmnette on Mon- Ves:dIheramls day evening, Decembel' 19, at 7:45 -lt eP s 6Yei a e oiclock at the home of.Mrs. Sherrili, WilnetPs 6Aeia e 1725 Highland avenue, Wilmette,: gion auxiliary, a group proud to in their attendance. wiin behes. oseh B. Salbýegd Mrs., J., E. Kamper. For the, program, Mrs. Myron r. Harshaw will speak on books for smnall children. She is head of the educational service bureau of a -Chi- cago department store and the. auth- or of 'two, children's' books-IReifl deer -of the Wavesý,", the Literàryý guild cho .ice for 1934, and, "The Counsel of the Gods,' 1aListory of ,Greek, rnythoiogy.. *Mrs. Thomnas Gibbons is Pro- grai chairman of the Womafl's Cati > lic--Club of Wilinette. which * , giving da 1*fde VOtyT $cr its inerbers Friday afternoofl of this wveek ai 2 o'clock, at the Wilnette Woman's club: A Yule part y for the Catholic Action group will be given? at Mrs. Gibbonis' home o7i becem ber 27. DeHavený Photo Junior Auxiliary Holds this evening (Thursday) at 6:45a. The members will bring ten-cent gifts for Santa to distribute. Following dinner several foreign students fromn International House, UÙniversity of Chicago, will speak on va-rious Christmas customs in, their homes. The Christmas party is always one of the most popular meetings of netka,' former head of the English departmeflt of York High school in Elmhurst, \wiIl give lwo Christrnas readings. Hostesses for Dance Arnong the numerous parties, dur-, ing the holidays, for the young peo-, pie is a Christmas dance which will be given December 22, at the Evans- ton Country club by a grou.p of senior girls at Roycemore. The host-. -c-zcz nr te nrtv areSue Bishop, Jeanne Roi B3lanche Va .New President. ihan 35,000.' womien in Illinois who are rnerbers of the Ameri- can Legion auxiliary., outlines the part it:plays in state wlork. One part ofils.service is th4t. of rehabilitation amongý the veterans of the'World Wa.r and their amilies. It contributes to the A.uxiliar.y Treasure, Chest which supplies rnany and various creature comforts for the men in hospitals. Insulin is fur- nished to diabetic patients outside of hospitals who are unable to, pur-. chase it themnselves. :Th is fund also helps to maintain the Veterans Craft shop at 203 North Wabash avenue. In this shop is found beautiful merchandise of various kinds made in the Chicago area. The auxiliary purchases as rnuch goods- as pos- sible from the store during the year, thereby helplng to keep the disabled and unemployed veterans' busy. The first Wednesday of each month some of the members of thc Wilmette auxiliary go out to) tht' Edward Rifles hospital to work amcrng the patients there, doing let- ter writing, reading, mending, shop- ping. The auxiliary also donates a ,ader At - Chr istmras lime each p atient re- ad ceives a gift from the auxiliar . At the Veterans' hospital in North Chicago, Wilmette Post 46 .auxiliary gives one large afternoon .party for the ex-service rmen and participates, in several dances there. Cars ful -of womnen and girls are taken up th ere to dance witb the psychiopathic, patients to the imusic of their fine, orchestra., January 9, a dance is to Ibe. given jointly by the Wilmette auxiiliary ai-d that o! Evanston Post Hostesses, Miss Marion' and Miss Catherine Cook, and Miss Ann 1lenderson were bostesses at the Cook home, 1017 Greenleaf avenue, at a shower given Thursday everxitg o! last week in honor o! Mrs, Carl A. Reeb, . also a resident of Wilmette. Wil METTE IFE LII.L f