Wedding Journey Returning New Year's eve f rom a three weeks' wedding trip. to Mexico, Howard A. Hoaglund and his.bride, the former Evelyn Pris- cilla Whyte, will be at home in an apartment at Sherman avenue and Noyes street, in Evanston. The following Sunday, January 8.. they will be, guests of. honor at a cocktail partyý to be.given'b'Y Mr.. and Mrs. Robent Bunchmore of Evanston. Thein wedding. ,solemnnizedSatur-, day afternoix3nin a service read at the Church of :the Holy Comforter by the Rev. Leland H. Danforth, was followed by a reception held by the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ~Wfllim J. -Whyte, at their homne, 259 Church road. They formenly llved in Kenilworth, and their new son-in-law, the son of Mrs. H. E1. Hoaglund of Chicago, formerly lived in Wrnnetka. The bride's white satin brocade. gown was made Victonian. style, its sweetheart neckline edged with a band of ruching of the material of the dress. She wore a wreath of flles of the. valley to hold in place Wedding Festivity Luncheon, Tuesday, for the bridesmaids at the homle of Mrs. Walter MIntosh'in Dundee, and a rehearsal dinner Friday night; of this.week at the homne of the brtidegroom,'s parents, Mr. and Mrs., William P.. Heyn àof Evans.- ton, conclude, the parti es being: given before Miss Jean Mclntosh and William Carvletlh Heyn. are: married Saturday, night in St. James Dundee.. November 26, Miss, Virginia Smnith of. Spanish Court. and Miss Cora Louise Hanna.of Evanston1 were co- hostesses at a bathroorn' showcr held at Shawnee Country club in honor of Miss Mclntosh. Decemiber 3, she was entertained by Miss Jo- ,sçphine. Bal.hatchet and Miss Vir-, ginia Ann Snorf of Wilrnette at a pantry shower and desse ' t bridge at' the Snorf home, 717 Elmwood avenue. Both Miss Mclntosh and her fi- ancé were duests of honor a-t a tea and cocktail party given- Sundav, December 4,ý by Mr.. and Mrs. George Everitt, 60 Locust road, Wi'n- netka. Last Saturday a persona!- shower and luncheon, with Miss Bar- bara and Miss Virginia Taykor. of Rtobert nuse anad Miss n.elen .xu- lette of Chicago, wore orchid slipper. satin gowns and carried armfuls of talisman roses. Each had a band of gold velvet ribbon a round her head, with three .gold ostrich. tips in front. Chrysanthemums and snapdrag- ons,' ail white, were used in the church, and some of the same flow- ers were used 'in the .living room of the Whyte home, with a large Martha Jane an( Harold E. Bergmnan, 1231 Ashland daughters of Mr. avenue, a sophomore at Rutgers, is T. Harshaw, 1173 expected home Saturday 'of this Hubbard Woos, a week from New Jersey for a two à tea at their hc weeks' Christmas vacation. o'clock on Friday, rtea saturaaUy 1ro iiUwUIL&a1AJ4I. rioagtunu o kt ticuu UJU lit-et. vS liu resident. A long tulle veil and a brie f face veil feil from the bride',s headdress, a wreath. of liles of the vallefj. She and Mr. Hoaglund have gone to Mexico on their wedding trip, planning tô. return New Year's eve. They will occupy an apartment in Evaniston.,. Moff ett Photo ,Saturday l'o Be Day of Holiday.Tea Dance for Wedding Bride and ýcember 30. om Frederick E. Clerk Marries Eastern Girl From 'Ludlow, Mass., has cone the news 0f. the marriage of Fred- erick Edson Clèrk, who, with his family lived on the North Shone for a number of years. His marriage to Miss Helen W. Kickline, daugh- Elected Class Officer Miss Nancy Robb, 816 Greenleaf avenue, has been elected secretary and treasurer of the freshman elas at the University of Illinois. %'ree of, WILMETTE'L IFEý