Guests will be welcomned by Fort Dearborn chapter of Daugh- ters of the American Revolution at theile open house miusicale tea, to be heid at the Woman's Club of Evanston Monday,. December 1,at 2 o'clock. ýMrs. Reid R. Bronson, the chap- ter's regent,' wiil be assisted by Mrs. 'Percy .H. * Myers,. hospitality chairman. and the memnbers of the committee in receiving the visitors. Thoseý who .serve on the hospitaiity committee are:ý Mrs. Walter C. Bur- ket, Mrs. Roy W.: Fletcher,, Mrs.. Harold 'E. -Hayward, Mrs. Frederick C. Minkier, Mrs. Marquis J. Newecii. Mrs., Frank H. T.> Potter, Mrs. Gir Tourtellot, and Mrs. Warren Wil- liams of Evanston. Mrs. Dennis Gent, 2519 Orringtoil avenue, Evanst.on, a soprano, who has appeared before innumerabie Qrth siWre audiences, will sing. Hel- en Hawk Carlisle Nwil accoiiipaniy, her. Miss Isabel Wray, daughiter of Mr. and *Mrs. Edward Wray, 2752 Benr- nett avenue, Evanston, will play the harp. Miss Wray was graduatcd' from the school of mnusic of the Uni- versity of Michigan at Ann Arbor in 1938, the first student within hier *knowiedge ta obtaîn a degrce as a harpist fromn that institution- Last *summer. she studied under Albertol *chairmah, bas arrangeci for Mrs. Gent to sing a group of songs to Miss Wray's harp accompaniment. Chapter members are looking for- ward to, this feature of the prograrn. The musical nunibers wili be varied as to subject. but as the Christmas spirit w~il predominate the afternoon, the miusicians will in- clude a goodiy number of the sea- son's selections. Members of Mrs. Crampton's pro- the Keniworth club: Mrs. George G. Bogert, president of the Illinois league, spoke on -Looking Toward the 1939 Legisia-. tion." Among the, measures which, wilprobably corne before the new legfislature are the City Manager Enabli ,ng Act, Wonen on-Juries, Ex- tension of Civil àervie. to* Include Superintendents and Wardens of In-, stitutions, a bill for the consolidation of one-room sehools and a' proposai to, revise, codify and arniend election, laws and to put election:ciommnission- ers ur>der civil service. There wîll oe possible consideration of a bill pro- viding. for a state school board, and one écalIling. for a constitution al con-ý venition. Mrs. Bogert- also, spoke of the-fine work donc by the ncw LegisiativIe counicil. carrying on research and rnaking surveys beairing on bis to be presented to the. Jegisiature. Jane Waidner to Have SmaII Home Wedding Jan. 2 A quiet home cerernony has been chosen by Miss Jane Waid-i ner- of I-ubbard Woods and Allen ï . tiniate friends are to be present at the service the Rev. E. Ash- ley Gerhard wili read at 8:30 Monday evening, January 2, at the L. Harry Waidner house. 206 Scott avenue. There wiil be no attendants. SMr. Hill expects his mother. Mrs. Heleni Harrison Hill, and several of their relatives to corne from Minne- apolis for the wedding. as will the Georgialee Weiget of 709 Elm- *wood avenue, Wilmette and Fred Graiigèr'of Bienton Harbor, Mlich., ivçr , _sle *e .bM. the, cq ijliou COmmittee of the Skull ai Cres- *ceO tot represemt the Purdie sophornores at the Unicersity of ~Michi ga n sophomore prôm last week Legre-LvùigPhoto Rawleigh Warner Home Setfing for 2 Parties the seasons debutantes, Miss Geor- gette Hill of Winnetka' and Miss Libby Crawford. Miss Jane Zim- miernian. and Miss Sara Peace of Chica go. .The hosts are Miss Mary Warner, her sister Dorothy, .ho returns three days before the party froni Sarah Lawrence, and Rawleigh War- ner, Jr.. who is expected home on the seventeenth froni Lawrenceville. Their vounger sister. Susan. is in- The. Wllmette Congregational church is having its annual Christmas dinner Friday evenïng- of this week, with a gala program, planned. The evening is'arrangéd, under auspices of the Woman 's guiid. Dinner will- be served at. 6:36 o'clock, for ail members of the fam- ily. Frank Newey wiii le-ad the carol singing, and the church quartet, will be present to 'add to the gayctv. CarolineWeare will give,-The Night Before Christmas."' and Hoyt King wili add:greatly to-the family night with his Riley poems. Further en- tertainmerit Will be provided by Margaret, Pauison',s Marionettes- per- forming her ,"Christmaýs Story." and "Humpty-Dumpty."Santa, -too. xviii lie presenit,' with à littie gift for- everyone: The Cozy Corner circie. whOse chairrran is Mrsý. PFranik iffman. w.ili serve, it promises, a -fine dini- ner,- and annrounices a special re- duced price for children uniider 12 years of age. The pýrograr itself. anmd other plans for the ditiner. are being di- rected by the enitertairenit corn- mittee, whose chairman is Mrs. Eli Garrison, and whose members are Mrs. Doniald GafliŽ, Jr.. Mrs. Julian Hess, Mrs. Warreni Pifer, anid -Mrs. Carl Banker. Plans Sleigh Ride Party for Holidays -A group of members of the North ,Shore Country Day sch.ool ciéass of '38 wiIi be entertained at-a sleigh. ride1 on Chrîstrnas night, by Miss Saily Bull. The ride' will :be fol- iowed by games and refreshments at the Richard S. Bull home, - 43 Locust road, Winnetka. Miss Bull, a-4-reshman at Smith college. is >to., L. P. Mari an 1c Aood Line L' unvers y (AIndIiana.I1 isI ston is thç daughtvr of the B. Johnstons. Wl L M E T T E 64 )froni Harry L: F B.ý