somel'hing Different Un Xmas. C.ards. The Xylophône: Book $1 Ch'inese, Checkers Auto Bridge L'illustration Xmas Issue .. $2-25 l)BOOK59Ô fLIEILARY CARDS stationery THE BEST BOOKS of the B3EST PUBLISHERS BiogrphyFiction Travel rm World AfFairs Music Poefrv Art she was thirteen. ±srief rageantry is a collection of her best work in an ,attractive« 96 -page clothbound volý- urne,. With a, Frank Crowninshield who says, "The verses of Jehanne, de Mare far the most part .are lyrical in their quality. In- deed, the. suggestion of singirig is everywhere evident in' them. But if' her poems. are' pervaded by a note af melancholy, th ey are at thé sRme time vif.alized :by the.zest of ýher emations." Bren- in Deniver: Althaugh'now a New Yarker,,Mrs. Williams was,.borrn in Denver, Çolo., and spent part of. her youth in Cal- ifornia. While in high. school she be- gan ta receive notice for her poetry, and in' 1935 one af hem poems. "Love," was> included in' the An- thology of Contemporary Amterican Poets along~ wit1h the wor.ks o! such writers as Edna St. Vincent Millay and Anna IHempstead Branch. Shortly after leaving high school, Miss de Mare was married, and is now the mother. af a son, Çhristopher, 16. months aid. She finds time ta at- tend courses at the Art Students league in New York, and is studying poetry at Columbia university. IRerniniscences inMusic cussèd their problemis-it -was even beceause I cried on the floor aver double sharps instead of braken shins-that music becarne for me Sa early the mast vivid thing in thew world." Mr. Masor's , new book, Music in My Time, anid Other Remt- iniscences, is full of sidelights on famous people. dv In "Remember the Entd" Agnes Sligh Turnbull, -who. wrote "The R o 1il in g Years," -rcauints the eveénts of A tex M ÀcTajj's, rise ta wealth and power as a business leader in western Pennsylva-nia. Beginning wîth his' leave-taking fromhis .oyioodhome in.Scot- land in the spring of 1890, it fol- lows his life in. Arerica during which time hie becomes one of the masters in the industries of caal and steel. Associateci Photographers, When Mrs. Turnbull's father camne over from Scàtland at 21, he wore in his Glengarr~y cap a thistle brooch; fmom this the gold design on the scarlet cover of her new novel sets out ta make fis fortunîe ini Arner i ca. Mrs. Turnbull xnw ell thec background of her novel-Pennsyl- vania's coal country. She has also been praised for her ability ta use action ta reveal character-the i1- plaicab1e will power whiçh enabled Alex ta rise ta *a high position in the business world. quotation in *Book III of Milton's "'Paradise Lost" which says: "Suspicion sleeps At Wisdom's gate, and, to Simpllcity Resigns her charge." A problern novel, it dissects -a Modern case of divorce and remar- riage and weighs the question of what 'a womfa.n, should do who. is married ta a philandering and un- faithful huisband-the father of chul- dren and a man she stili loves. 1A well written book,. and' one that, sustains interest until the last cli- macic cha'p'ter, Wisdom'esGate is a polished job of character delineatio n. The men! and women, even1 several. af the children, stand out- in . sharp silhouette, as definite personalities. Cicily Lancaster, the wife involved in a divorce and remarriage wvhich produced two, complicated .sets of children (he r first*husband was her- cousin),. is typicalý of intelligent Amreican wvomen af well-to-do fam- ilies. Her second venture into matrimony seemed to her the only soltion of a siuation in whioh.oxne love had died and another taken its place. Children and Divorce But lufe is not as simple as al that, and as the years passed Cicily found herseif in an~ ever-more trying and unhappy situation. Contrary ta her first convictions, she finds that children are àffected by divorce, and although a second husband may not have all the superficial failings and shortcornings of the flrst, he may gradually disciose others ftundarnen- difriculties. Ta close ane's eyes and resign oneself, ta accept situations and people as they are, is sometirnes' the offly course to pursue. Scribners Publishes.. Paderewski's Memnors In Tite Paderewski Memoirs by Ignace Jan Paderewski and Mary Lawton, which Scribners published 1724 Orrinigton Aveum Orlmgion Hotel Oldg. Gri.. is at even i n his 1~~~~~* I.