Check Your Gi(t List with These Attracltive anc1 Practical Electric Appi ances, WXITH1 YOUR G(,IFT1 LIST IN -MIND.. we suggest you check this attracive array of electric. ap pliances. You'II find each and ýevery one a'happy -combination -of ý«sense" and'sentiment"-uniting the. la sting, practical, pleasure-' giving quality of electrical aids wt tetue spirit o ,Christmas giýving. These, of course, a re but, a few sug- gestions from our wideselection..There are many more oi display ... suited ýfor every gift list, priéed1f every bùdget! Why flot corne in and look arourid! LOW, LIBERAL TERMS Smatl montbly payments with your service bill. GIFT LAMPS. -. An aPPealing sclection Of excePtioil- alIy charming lamps in a wide range of styles. Priced to fit every budget ... KOLLWOODMAKEUP MiRROR . .. She'lI love r1his aid to perfect makeups. Indirect ,ight filters through frosted. mirror to perfectly illu minate $250 Lail the face... .. .. .. I LLUNOIS IpUB LIC S ERVIC E DECEMB~ 1 ,-3 8 t. *1; e. 4 e.e t e. 'J