Your del verea 10 ou Phone BEN ERICKSON Erlckson'Is D.ilvery Wlmette 4092I Saturday and Sunday Special BRICK icE, C RIEAM J J FULL QUART' 35C hn Wl'-.'.. E'1CA.WILMITTE CONFECTIONERY Just West of Ran~k KCey: A--A duits; C-C hildren, 8 to 12 years of age; Y-Youth, 13 to 18 years of age; F-Entire family. Teatro del.Lago December 14 and 15- "NancSr Drew, Detèétive," for F. "Personai, Secretary" for A. Deember 16 to 22- "Boys' Town".,forF.. ,The Sisters" for A. -Wilmette Theatre December 16.and 17- "Fiight to Fame",, for A and Young A. "Thé Affairs . of'Annabel" for A .and Young A. December 18 to 21- "iYou ýCan't Take It With' You" for F. "Golden Boy" Search Extends to New York The search for a young actor with the spark of genius that can give "Golden Boy" a living reality on the screen weas carried to New York iast week by.Director Rouben Mvamoullan. The noted director had viewed the n'fost promising candidates found in a Hollywood search extending over' many months and in which 3000 young men frorn ail waiks of life witn thie'rare combination of youth- fui physique and seasoned techniquýe that Mamouliar, feels is essentiai in portrayin.g the hero of the Clifford Odets play. Mamnoulian has therefore journey- ed to the Broadway theatricai sec- tor in an endeavor to find the youth-: fui trouper. Lady Lark - A perfect family pr ogram wiUl be served up at the Norshore theater, Friday, when Deanrta Durbin (above) in "That Certain Age" and Spencer Tracy and LJurbiLn in the foUTrer fim. 'FERDINAND' IN PARADE Ferdinand, the. peace - lovirag flower-sniff ing bull, was co-starred this year in Macy's annual ThanL-s-. giving Day parade in New York. The gentie Ferdinand, reproduced on a gigantic scale and inflated with 4,500 cubic feet of ljeliumn; made, his ap- Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne, Chicago's favorite stars, have taken Chicago in an ava1anch- of fun. Their play, "Amphitryon 38,"~ which is the thirty-eighth, version '.0f the stor~y in which the god Jupiter cornes down-to earth. in an exciting roman-, tic 'mfterlude, is at the Erlanger theatre., The endIaeemsýnt rests for the week before Christmas, but picks pagain for two weeks ýon Monday, Dècember 26. Matinees are. Wed- nesday-and Saturday., The Çhicago criticshave deciared "Amphitryon 38" to be the most brilliant -play of the ëurrett season, calixg it .a. morsel, that is fuli of wit and wisdom. It is comical from the first curtai, a scene in which Jupiter looks down from the, cloud-s, to the final thriils* of his return to the open spaces. This is the perfect holiday enter- tainniènt. It is somnething to make .ona e eLgay and happy, somethifig of the true Christmas spirit. The Lunts are extremely light and humorous in the show, giving it ail the undertones of mirth at their com- mand. > The iaughter neyer stops. The company is the original cast to the last player, 'having been ini New York ail last season and for eight weeks in London. The cast includes Richard Whorf, Sydney Greenstreet, Edith King, George "* i iti Uflwu .bIK d string onI January 9, after .which they hit the trail westward.. But it is "Amphi- tryon 38" for Christmi'as and that is ail that matters at the moment. North Clark street in Chica go is rather giddy these days. _And the trip to town is weil worth the ;effort. SWINGS HIS LADY Dead Ender Leo Gorcey is HIlly- wood's champion "jitterbum." Lq1a~11 r. j Saturday Matlnees 1 & 3 P. M. R.. d t'he WantfAdsWI.5 ýiRKITUK - reau Bay Rd.. wil.