Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Dec 1938, p. 85

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___________________________dent, Life or Casi.alty Insuraince service. 511 CEDAR STREETI, WINNETdIÇA i ââ--- RA -FML HO EJOSEPH P. COLLIGAN~ 171-LTN324ltp recent months have reduced the gap RA F MLYH M. Real Estate -,Notary Puiblie - Insurance- ewnthsya'buligrcd with exceptionally large grounds, in Winnetka 1760 558 Green Bay'R WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC TABLEbtwethsya'buligeod Glenco. NearSchool and Station. 14LN28-tfc, top stove, like new. Closed burners, and last year's in' Indiana, nrhr wel. hoe ilete 42. llrlis est1nW47osiTad owa.e Four large bedroorns,. attractive large LET YOUR BONTUS BE YOUR DOWN ulPhnWim.et340> 171LTN32 li Tenoemeer rfisosinandIowa. living ron with firep]ace. modcrni Payîient. Balance monthly, 20 yr. OA 0~BRElRG aTheulrly elrpforane a kitehtn. Hot water heat Well built plan îess than rent. White brick, 4 bed. A STOVE,FORB NES GUpatclryhpf. and in finle condition, unis- 212 balhs. oil. attached garage; lator on oven. Good condition. Mrs. *$O50Coiitr%- fueling 4 oh-rson saile plan'. Lahman,, Tel. Keniilworth 4799. WiII Exceed 1937 Record Cil Mr. Siacer QNTT\LAN & 2.TVYN 1TN3[VIp 0eceberresidential work will. '~' ~ TWO PIECE MOHAIR LIVIGRO SHORE-TOWNS REALTY 5R4 Lincoln Ave..Wnni. 177 set in good condition. Very reasonanle. undoubtedly push the 1938, contract COPRAIN147LTN32ItC 1332 Washingtonl ave. Wlmette, cail da- s. level of this, classification beyond: 163 hîag Aenue, Easo 171LTrN32-1tp the final figure of 1937,"l Morgan Gre.270 Wd 60 Ro. ~ 666 Gacius . Wnneka oloialBOY'S ROLL TOP DESK IN GOODCON-cniud 147LTN32-tc in1 prize location, on. large lot. .5 bed- dition.* $5. Phone, Wilmnette 3910.Nvebronatsfrese- ~ ht'~~00_171LTN-lip $6,000 CASH, NORTH -SHORE REALTY tial b'uild ing in the' four-state area AND. A PAYMENT 0F: S106 P ER MIO.j 523 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 81. 7 T.TBU-5HD GOSaoutdo$,910 ndase ,whichý includes prinipal. îiteres t. taxi 147LTN32ý-ltc HiOUSEHOLD GOODS-,0F ALL KINDS the total for the eleven months to adbuty new 7 room, 2'. IOGT-ODAD EXCHANGED $75,043,900. and insurace, ~vi1lWAS $14. 5 00, NOW $9.200 Fell'-83 uteOvnu n197 oeme AsdNia o- bath brwk coonfial home!, ultr i ndrn .er n r. homle, b etween '.L?' and FeUNIV6 usERIT ve010 thrug<ît. ensta wndws Vcetan stean). near sêhools and, lake.. Easy 172LTN3O-4tp tat eercre t$,2,0 hlind. andscaPcd grotunds. 2 car garaeîte mstrahnt: _______,________________,_$__,222__000 ,Vll fi'sd. Uîlé for snialler hue IL STONE WIL. 1644 CASH .FOR YOUR USEIJ FURNITURE, and the. eleven- months, accumula- WIV. WRIGHT& CO. 147LTN32ltc- modern or 'antique,. and other, house- tion was $75,829,000. -- hold articles. !921 Main St. Gr e. 4880 on O AEVCNTWl loacptyu unty Non-residential, contracts awarded 1-17L VACANT-lt consignimeflt basis., iný Novemrber 'made a substantial EAT ?JE IN ETAHere ARE.nJBarga1ns CROST FURNITURESTORE reduction-in this year's lag.- EATSIEWINTK 1IGHILAND PARK:-One of the miost .Established 1898 An d hme ~ th arman ~peiOS- eatifl rvie lots we've ever -seen 1004-6 Em~ersonl St., Evanstoli, Uni. 0189 Total Passes $100,000,000 ~5 'rpi~3btsî e;i'a:l at $4.200. An imposing site. .. 7L'~.f Contracts valued ,at $20,169 000 and PrcýI w l m ze y u o ' INNETKA :-50 x 158 at H ibbard andM . B R>d f r i ov t e - o al or he J uý y fiîrtet inormaion coîe 1y MsoWloWRdinl 75.willpay top prices for your use4f.r- Matthev ., G~ýVlNCvR.oE:-6 $710. er kki Lture. bric-a-brac, househol riletrugh-November period to $100- BARD&WANE E9îîifl Ew surrxlifldffl'Skok2,7Clubooksand men's. clothiflg. Winetka 664,000. Last year, the November SMAT &GOLE, e. 522. . 172LTNs294tp contracts amounted to $8,517,000 and BAIRD LM T.WINNEKAM RT& WiEIn. 28 _ _ISELNOS t hetotal for the eleven rmonths was l47LETN3A 1,5164 SheriTian Ave. 13_.95OLEM$13020 - ____11LN3-lcA Perfect Pony Ini a grouping of 'residential and NEW WHITE BRICK. Splendid Building Site Would miake anl ideal gift for Xmnas non-residential contracts, the four- Yoropruiyfol, ()i outtaiding. NORTHEAST CORNER 13TH ANDJ FLM- if you could find it. bu nabadnew hiomie, . 3 aVc'lX Wood. Niculy wooded, suitable fiût' 21 WE HAVE THAT PONY. n wst 0.buildi0g tt fairNovcbe bdrs.2'c oit.ueha, conidition- . oi-s Price rdcd Carefully brol<ef, perfect manner,nows$,0,0.Thtifaahd cd ir i. It.gar CaliM.Lt o . .JH SO O bad habits,. Black and white, suited for of the same month, last yea, when. dcl a i i~~~~~,* . ~ boy or girl 6 to 10 -,ars of age., . he cn atS ot ed $ ,79 0. T Ec. Opposit' L erminal W ilm-ette .444 m ust bc satisfied that the pur- T EBLL RELY 151LTN32 Icc haseI 1r aPpreciates an excellent animal Ail 1938 building col tracts, ~ad 147LTN32-ltC11065"IT.i$3.O?,',O4f) and wiflgive him a good hom~e. ed up to Novemrber 30 eached S17.5,'- 147LT,ý32-Ile 65 FT.-$3,00$200. Phone Kenil. 2711, Frank .7700ina1%-n riet vr Indian Hill Estîltes-West Ketchamn. 173LTN2-tc 7700.r ereddiet Vr T.OCLS ESTATE! At t Quie-Mri BOYSof+ULL* SIZE COLUMBIA BI corne the corresponding 1937 fgitre, C L EIATA, LY .BYS COUMB s 209,531,000. SCIF'I CI1N,ýG ~B.ATA.COMý- THE BILLS REALY c cycle. balloon tires. Perf od o~ nek rsdnc r1vuLke. grad12nd iu 50Davis St. Gre, 1,166 Wil. 3i40 white flannel trousers anidsport coât. nge ,a ýje gd I d, . 151L T'N32-lte, 15-7. Like new. Also al-veneer dn. ROW S FO R ROLE i~ cioSand tralis, on icanl-*_____________- ____ table. Wil. 2272. 17LTI32.tp John Paynie, who is moviedomn's scaed aî ate.mighit Irade for 15 WN D T U-,ARM7 siale oe riooepopert. W_________ _____---, best all-around athlete, must learu l .NENRATY XL,. AGTS. WANTED TO BUY. WITHIN 100 MILES MAHOGANY DINING TABLE ANI)D o o i otcmn oei 66 G~eL Bay Rd:. Wii'ifetka 254 of Chicago. about 80 acre faurm with SIE_).FU OT IE 12. torow fowrhifortc ig oe - 6f( rol147LTN324ltC livable niodel-nlbouse, tillable acreag-e. E FLAT SAXOPHONE. GLENCOE12."o, lw o. _______________- Uner$1.00.WrteA-239, box 60. Wil- 173L'rN32ltp GOD , OO OUSE met4te, 111. 165LT32te - FOR SALE OR EXCHIANGE. SAME NAME 7,____R__Ô__________r______studenUs violinl, twýo violas. Frorn in- The real name of Anita Louise's illi.171FO SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOOOS srnetcleto.Phione.Kenilworth 112(jElin1wood vneE VI FR____ tum olcin 173LTN32-tp pet horse in "Going Places' is Anita. 1UTr 1APC2TN22 r D ATM In the picture, both actress and horse Modurn k itchefi, neW ,butler~ s pantry. ,EAUTIFUL FURNISHINCS 0F WINN. 147LTN3'2.ltce Weil built 4 roonî brick bungalow with 6 rm- eftciCfCY. i t. Exclusiveo Ioc atiô,n. winnetka 269. 4LNilt ~-frobe, all in good condition. Cali vs, ____________________ 1 hlavre een saj.F .2-tp for "Juarez" to P TIME hundred1 n rnake-uP

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