career at Northwestern in 1910 and Mar, 24-25 N 1C A.A. at Ann- Arbor hasn't mnissed a season. Ris teams have won 10,,Big Ten championships REPORT FOR WRESTLING .and six~ national tities. Tomebrso orthwestern' s Reasons for Coach Robinson's opJ-1 football teamn-Nick Cutlichand Joe imism this- year are to, be found Vavrus, ta ckls-hÏave reported, for in eigh t sophomores wvho- along -with I wrestling. Cutlich, a héavyweight. eigh 1etern n reeected to pro- iand Vavrusalih eavyweight, videý the' Wildcats with a strong w,(.on letters, as SýoPhorres last year., tea m. Leading the sophomore, con" Cutlich will renew a longtime rival- tUngent is IrvinÉ McCaffrey -o f Chi- ry with Bob Haak of ýIndiana. also, cago, national .220 yard free stylé,a football player., Both boys hall champion in 1937.,.ther newcomers from Indiana and., their wresting are Pete. Kelly, formner, Iowa 220 rivaîry dates fromn high s'hool days. and 440 interscholastic champion;'l Faak defea ted Cutlich in 'the Big Tomn Powell,ý, So*utheastgrn diving, Ten mneet last spring. Party Faivors Door Mats Hot.pan Holders A Il at Reaàsonable Prices For I1nfomation Cali FRED BAR ROWS -Keniiworth 5590 123 Meirose 'Ave.,, Kenlworth> Chicgo Lighnthouse. for the Blind. 2333 W. Cermak Rd., Ohic.ago - A- TATJJA E gnow and dusti Fer pictured albove, at. LI WINNETIKA 184 726 ELM STREET.. WINNETKA X in ramn, grille gui it extra c IPFà