tend ehurch regularly! S. John's Lutheran Wlmette and Park avenues J. H. Gockel, pastor . FR IV Qm 9:15 a.m--First. -service. 9:0a.m.-Sunday sehoolahd ' cia ss. 10:55 a.in.-Sunday sholclass children 0of three to five 'ye.ars. 11 a.M.-ecofldservice., Bible The order of service at 1.ocokwl include-the fol lowing:- Prelude Andante espressivo ......Safnt-Saens Introit -"Thy Testimonies Are Very Sure"......... Sehmauck Solo......... .LolitaBertling "Lid "* -* **Fa. Robert Schur'nann The Sermnon-"TeFtel Bùsnes- ........ ........ Luk e 2:49. Installation of Church Councul. Postlude-.Postludé.......Merkel The Luther an H-our is broadcast every Sunday afternoon at 3:30 over a nation. wîde hookup. The local outiet is WCFL, 970 kc. Dr. W. A. Maier o9'f St. Louis is the spekeran~d male and rnixed chorus. es supply the m~usic. The Evening circle- -of the Ladies Ad society' is scrving a supper. next Týhurs- d ay at 6:30. Make reservatii>m by phon- ing Mrs. V. Il. Suhr at Wlmette 3831., MEETINGS Ladies' Aid society, today. 2 p.m. Open house, today, 8 to Il p.m. Sunday school staff, Friday, 8 p.11. Junior Walther League. Friday, 8 p.rn. * Children's Christian education 'classes, Saturday, 9:30 a.i-n.;, Wednesday, 4 p.m. Adult catechumen classes,' Monday,i 7 :30 'an d 9 :30 p . m. . n e s u s Open meeting of voting e dayv, 8 p.m.gmeier.Tus Rible Chiurch 886 Elm Street. Winnei(tka3 Hôxard A. Hermansentninister, PRAYER WEEK Prayer week services continue ilight- Iy except Saturday through Sunday_ Jan. uary 8, with the- Rev.. W. Talbot.1lind- ley from Jamnaica, British West IndiesA as guest speaker. Mr. Talbot.IlindleS, will speak three times on Sunday, at 11 a.m;, at 5 p.m. to the Bible Fellow.. ship Qroup, and at 7:30ini the evening. Subjects for the week are as follows:a Thtirsday, Jan. 5.- "The Master's Marks" 13 Friday, Jan. 6 -. "The, Master's Music" rIubDard Woods. That -she wili be missed by her many friends was evidenced by theriurnber who paid her tribute by attending solemn. high mass at. Sacred' Heart church the Monday following her, death., A brother, Edward, W. McDqnnell of, Hubbard Woods, also survives her, JAMES FRANCIS, ROWLEY Funerail services' for James Fran- cis Rowley, former resident of Wil- mette. Who died at thè home of his daughter. Mrs. Blaine Korrady, '1353 Towerroad, Hubbard Woods, on Sat- ýurday, were, held a t, the. Scottjsh Rite- cathedral,, Chicago,, on Tuesday afternoon. Burial was, at, Oak Woods cemetery. Mr. Rowley, who was 79 years old, had been a manufacturer of artificial. limbs for riearly 60 years. He had been ili fôr six mnonths. Ris wife passed away -in -Augtist. MR$. LULU CONDIT Mrs. Lulu Josephine Condit, wife of Dr. Frank L. Condit and niother of Dr. Harold S. Condit, 614 Laurel a ,venue, Wilmettè, died Suddenly on Wednesday morning of last week at her home, 1513 HIinmoan avenue, E v- anston. She was 73 years of~ age. Funeral services were held on Fri- day afternoon in the First Presby-ý BLIEROSE* lICE Quo 3 bib'3 ARMOUR CORNES SEEF . . . 2cnl7 scnools~, cueci of a 'heart .attack or Monday at the Indian Trail Tea room, 507 Chestnut street, Winnetka. The body was taken to Willhamsport, Pa., for burial on Thursday. Hie is survived by a foster son, Svencl A. Boesen. Mr.a ndda VISITOR,ç R. F. Uni Sunday, january 8, 4:30 PA] stringed. orchestra will refreshments served. Sin TIhursday, January 12, 2 P.: Norse Ch ristrnas program. A fifteen piece Ly. There will be special singing. Aiso g around the .Christmas tree in the eveniuÎg. Ladies' Aid society meets at S. Mellibg, J2659 N. -Central- Park Ave., Evanston SWANSIOWN CAE LO lam .. . . . . . con