Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Feb 1939, p. 10

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Fugue in E M*nor ... *.'*.....Bach Anthema-Blessed are the Pure in Heart ...........Thiman Offetory-Aqdante.,........... Lemaire So-Spirit of Gôd..1......... Neid linger' (Mr. Tanner) The WomenIs guild Wîill meet Monday morning, Febwuary 13, at 10 o'elock. The worký of the guild is for the beniefit of goo4 causes in which the -womnen of the church and the communfity are A nter- estéd& Ail womcn' of Kenilworth flot .otherwsie"e nagcd on Mondays are in- * vited té share :ini iis work. A A econd -gathering of the men of ihc church 1 and the eommunity will be hcld Monday. evening, Fcbru.ary 13, at the hm m of Mr. and. Mrs. *Vîlas Johnson, 930 Chestnul avenue. Wlmettc. Dr. WflJtt will epeak on -The Jew-Yester- day and Today.' The Junior Choir miels for rehearsal Saturday morninga aI fine-tiiirty o'cloek. The~ following Divisions will iiieet Thursday, February 16. Secona - 10 a.m. - Mrs. L. J.. ?en- berthy, 1524 Wilmette avenue. Luncheon. Third - 10 a.m. - Mrs. Louis. Becker, 2145 Chestnut avenue. Luncheon. 1. FourLh - 10 a.m. - Mrs. T. L. Grisa- mnore. 411 'Lake avenue. Luncheon. Bible Church 886 Elmn street, Winnctka Ilioward A. Hermansen, minister FRIDAV;1 FEBRUARY 10 8pm.-:sible Fellowship group prayer> meeting. "me Leacher Training class Which was -scheduled t0 meet thïs week. has been postponed one week and will meet Fl-- uay. February 17, at 8 o'clock. £IITDAV IIFERREARV 12. Wely; .processional, "Glorious, Things of Thce Arc Spokcen";' antheni, "Lord. For Thy TPender Mcrcics Sqke," F-4rrant. so lo. «'Out ofthe Deep" arks. Edward Otis;. organ postlude,. "March."1 (Her cules) Handel. Miss' Ena Rounds is director. The Sunday sehool will mcci at 9:*30 -dclock in ail departiments.. The> Adult, Bible class invites, you .bt study with them ,the lesson on: "Christ, the Life-GivtLrY The class meets ai 10 a'clock. The Communicant' class fo)r those, Who .wish 10 prepare for church membersip at lKaster vwill meél at 9:30 o'clock for ahaîf hu The class is. led by i he pasior.' witn you at your convenienice. e n aIl-Chicago Lutheran service will. be held ai, the University of Chicago .hapel Sunday afternoon. FebruaryA.9. ai ý3 o'ciock.1 Dr. Walter H. Traub of Omaha. Nebraska. will be the speaker. This service will inaugurale the Chicago Lutheran Mid-Day Lenlen services te be hcld il the' Erlanger theatre, Clark and Washington' at 12.,10 10 12:30' cach day from Monday to Fnîday.. The first serv- ic'e wîll be' on Ash Wedncsday. Feb-. ruary 22. The Parish Education Instiltut for the North Side Lu'tieran churches will. be held Sunday evening. Fcbruary 19. at 8 o'clock, ai Unity church*, Magnoliai and Balmoral avenues. Chicago.: Attend our -first Mid-Week Len ten' sýervice Ash Wednesdày. February 22i at Church at Lake Aveniue fluinols fords, ninister 'y foni the AriCnS anMn. in the chapcl. The iopie will' be "The is an ardent and cnthusiastic Chuireh iNecds You.- Ail young people of Si. Johin's Luthera'r Aiih a passionate zeal for mis- high school age are invied. rldeavor. He is the field direc- Wilite and Park avenues Sudan Interlor Mision. The board of trustees will mcclt at .8 J. H. Govkel, pastor~ -Bible Fellowship group. Speak- o'clock Monday evening at the church.Sl CS ias Lindsay, assistant in the SRIE id Theology deparnment of The Wornan's societ.y will hold it 9:15 a. ni. - Firsi service. ollege. Whcaton. 1El. Evening Pralse Service Tuesday evening, 9:30 a. in. - Sunday school and Bible pHie.scol n cle e e ebruary 14, at 8 o'elock at the church. class. i-rgnMelaloe.Hrre Tes willbe served by Spoke No. 1. Miss 10:55 a. ni. Sunday school class ii.-Oran ediatins-arretDorothy Rae will sing. The speaker will for chi ' dren of ihre, le fjvc ' ears. ri.Gosel ingng~chor, ndbe the Rev. Henry Little, D.D.. secreiary 11:00 a. ni. - Second service. n.-Gspe siging chirandof the Board of Foreign Missins.Th Organ Postlude: "Toccata"'.. Dubois 7 The Church School mects Sunday morn- Ing ai ninc-thirty o'cloek. Mvr. Thomas H. West is the general superintendent. Our Young Peopfle mccl Sunday eve- ning as follows: 4:30 -Intermediate Epworth League. T 6 -ýHigh School Epw orth League. éon 6- Theta Upsilon Rho for 'out-of-high- Gos ii -r.--raise, Prayer and Bible y. .The Girl Scouts will mccl ai the church aI 3:30 Wednesday.. lVilmeute Rap; st Th.e Boy Scouts wil meet aI the church W14nme..e 6nci Forest "venues Wednesday evening. Rev. Lworgc D. Allison, paswor The choir will rehearse aI the church eé Prc-Easler prograni of this church Friday :evêning. Offerory-"Foîk Seýng- ......... Nicode The Sermon--The Art of Hearing" ........... .Luke 8:4-15 Postlude--Offertory ........ Lemniens *Tuesday's meeting of the voling meni. bers will be an open meeting for al membens. nmen, women, and young People. Bes:ides the usual business of the Voting members. annual reports will be made by the leaders of ail deparînients of the church. Members of the Evening circle wili serve refreshments. The mneet- ing begins a 8 p. in. lent beg" Mb Wednesday, February 22. On that evenhig there wil be af Ifo-Le MUIC lr' tne service wili be as oliows: Fathers' and Sons' banquet Wednesday Organ Prelude-c-horale and Prayer evenlng, February 15, . at 0:30 o'clock. ý**.li***,* ,.... olmn 'Reservations are to be, made with J. RH. Anthem-BMs the Lâordý'....Ivano*l

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