be sent in on, or before March 6, to Mrs. H. W. Oakwood, 719 Mulford street, Evanston, or. Mrs. A. H. W. Meyers, 1721 Highland avenue1.Wil-. ,mette. Mrs. H. . Smoot, matron of Wil- mette chapter, is. eager to have al members be -present for the officiai visit. The reception heid' on February 6. in honor, of . Mrs. John Woodhead and Orville D. Jones,: also included Mrs. Joseph 0. Coniverse, Who re- ceived a Grand chapterappointnient as* district depukty., The, members * and friends'rejoiced with Mrs. Con- *verse over her receivingo! this hon-. or. Mrs. Amy H. terry, past grand matron of the Order of the Eastern Star of Ilinois, was guest of honor. She spoke on the International East- ern Staar t±mple in Wahisgo.r- talk made every one feel that she will want to see that beautiful build- ing someday. The honored com- mittee was gratified to have s0 many members and friends attend the re- ception. Refreshments were served during the social hour. Mrs. C. G. Decker, who was'host- eus at a dessert bridge January 31, was assisted by Mrs, J. A. Savifle, Mrs. C. P. Dahncke, and Mrs. W. Mrs. Lincoln C. T'orrey ie chair- man of the home aind education department of the Woman's Club of Wilmette, and, as such, will, introduce the speaker for the afternoon meeting of the club on March 1, who il give the >rst in a series of three talles under the I jjoe** iE i4lW~ - ~-X.." a- -u - - partinent. Ea**h speaker in the 8eries will discuss some phase of home and education. Metliodist Cutici Has Next Ail-De Jacket: Dresses bers attend the party on Mond .The pot luck . March 6, has a future date. Birthday, Supper Mr n rs .fvaWil ýebr-uary 20. .; gje-t 10 er. che~edforof Mrs. James postponed until president and business will ence of ail bo The luncheci the Third divi . J. Là. :ecutive important matters of necessitate the pres-f ard members. )n wiil be served by ision, of which Mrs. nan of Winnetka is Cater to youth, femininity , and practicaiity in a jacket dress that'. Spoke Meeting Spoke V o! the Wil terian church will home o! Mrs. Walter Kenilworth avenue,1 ruary .28,, at 11:30,0o $j7.95, s ~I) ~i) r J ) ) I 1worth '. ý J 1 11-111- 1- -il &%ff w sww-male m'Mr ~.a