tained by plenty of thrills, although- the final results were about as ex- * pected. Most observers came away impressed 'by. 'one fact-that Lime was head and shoulders above, any other.teeam in the meet. In only, one, event did Lame fail té place a man:, the 100 yard backý- stroke. Co-captain Bull Drucker and jack Wiese of New.Trier were fourth and fifth, respectively, ini this race. Mourig for Trevs There was a bit of mourning for the Trrevs, despite,,their winriing of second place honors. ýGoing into. the prelimBs, tespresentatives of the school held three state tities: Fred Hienschel ('38) owned the breast- was second, and the locals pulled up a 'weak: third. Highland, Park was to engage the. Triermenin.a dual meet, Wednes- day of this week, and the occasionà was.,to serve as a trial for the Sub- urban league tangle, at Oak- Park,. a week from atrdy P irit places count heavily when more than twvo,teamnsengage ini çompetition. and- if -the tri-squad fracas was any criterion, Uncle John Nay and Paul Delaporte have pleixty of boys hanging arounid who haveM practically,-nothing else -to ôccupyM their time. AMERICAN FAMILY BARS 47c SUPERBAKT 2ODAB.A I ER Box5 CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP ...... . 5 ANN PAGE AR=21 second, aoing t H-is 1: 07.8 i the the old record. Lane Tech's mr to an amazing.1 ENCORE NOODLUS LB 10 ais laËamn beste Schurni at even mark ANN PAGE 14-OL 10 DOTTI.E SALMON..'- LB 1N him would not have b e e n good 3- mvaftiËof. ime 1:25.3. enough ta .press hihn on some other occasions. J' n CaktokaGives Demonstration second i the 100 yard free style, 0f.Musical Teachitig and a fifth in the 50. Bob Bennett,9 a junior, touched tilird i the cen- Mrs. Elizabeth Kidd gave a di ic ei.si 'i...ln. nnstration of the freshmnaflsm *WARKLE GELATIN 3PG 0 SALMON..C.Mloc i :2 N4JTLEY ogwn 2 M,. l'PC ..........