Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Mar 1939, p. 12

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.1e45 oc ex ine peia. usc.zu niext Sunday znorning, aes arranged by Mis Mare Briel.,orgariist-director. will be as follows: Organ 10:4): .'Pastèrale*'.. Widor 44Chapel of San Miguel"......... Seder Introit: -Sanctus-......Marie Briel * Anthem: 'MY Faith Looks Up to Thee- ................ Schnecker, Offertory solo: Floyd Accola Organ Postlude: 'Jubilaàte Deo-.Silver The Church sehool meets Sunday mominng at 9:30 o'clock. The Intermediate league meets Sun- day e vening at 4:30 o'locek in the Girl Scout room. Theta Upsilon Rho, for younre people above high, school age, wlll meet at 6 o'clock Sunday evening.. On Wednesday evenirig, March 15, a congregational dinner will be serveci bY Liink E. of whlch Mrs. W. A. Hartwig ls chairmafi. This Will be an informai and unusual affair. with the husbands of the Link ladies in the role of 4!sing- ing wA.aiters,." -There wil be a stimulat- ing, review of that hilarious and wise book, "There's No- Place, Like Romne" by James Ellenwood. Reservatiofis are requested that al may be provlded for. The Young Pcopl's soclety wiil have ils ýmeeting at 6:15 Sunday.: Memrbers are asked to note the change oWtm and corne promptly. Thereé will be a devotional service and a period of rec-. reation. Friends of the members are invited,, and ail young people, of ýhigh' school age are welcome. The. Church school draws near the close of, the, Winter quarter. On Sunday-, Dr.. Allison -will conduct. a Decision Day TUIRD SUNDAY IN LENT, 8 a.-oy Communion. 9:4 a.m-hurch echool., Il a.m.-Moirning Prayer and sermon. 7 p.m.-YoDung People.' FRIDAY, MARCH1 10- 10:30 a.m.-Holy Communion. il a.m.-AIl-day meeting of. the Women s GCWlds i» the Pari§h House. - TUESDAY, MARCH 14 7:30 pm-o' choirpractice. Chorus,, Mlinstrel-Revue. THURSDAY,' MARCU ,16 1:30 p.m.-Choir rehearsal., The Women's Associated Guilds have. planned a Rummage sale to. be held the last week in April. This early announce- ment is made. so that those wbo* have suitable. articles will flot dispose of them before that time. If, anyone has no room John's Lutheran ilmette and Park avenues J. H. Gockel, pastor SERVICES m.-Flrst service. se .m.-Sunday school and Bible th Fi a.m.-Sunday school class for t< nf thret- to ffive ruers. ield on Wednesday evenings, These serv- ces are helpful to the Christian observ- ng, Lent. Corné! Confirmation. class convenes on Thurs-, lay. afternoons at, 4 o'ciock. New memnbers will be received into hurc=h. during the Easter season. linvt yùu to make this your church orne. The, Pastor will be glad to, confer. rith you at your convenience. When in the*Chic2ago Loop during Lent )n any day fromi Monday to-Fi-iday,'at- ýnd the Lutheran Mid-Day Lent services n the Erlanger theater, Clark and Wash- ngtori,. from 12:10 to 12:30 o'clock. The irvice is, broadcast over station WIND. The Luther« leagues . of' the Chicago. district, wîll hold. their annual Lenten ;ervice Sunday, March 19, at 4 p.M. ai, t. Luke's Lutheran- church, N. Francisco ind Schubert avenues,, Chicago, Thé Rev. John 1. Meck of Racine, Wis.. will be the speaker, Attend church every unday. ong ind every Wednesday evening during cnt. Firsi Preabyterian Ninth street at Greenleaf avenue James T. Veneiclasen, minister The sermon at the morning worship ;ervice at il o'clock Sunday .wilI be on Ie themne. "The Highest Price For the Freest Gift." We cordially invite you ýoworship. with us. ~ wrh, The mus~ic nffthe onn osi CIO VV held 7:-45 3 coopeJ75atig. DLr. Aki ûn "The Inner Li it o. Lenteli service at 8 ýn the series of "'Old s f Christ Crucified- 'The Passover." Next rsday, also at 8 p.m., fourth portrait, "The af ter the1 The Sunday school meets in ail depart- mepts at, 9:30 o'clock. The Adult Bible§ class* will meet at 10 o'clock in the chapel for the study of the lesson, "The Holiness of God.- We welcome you to this class. Junior church, for cbjîdren whose par- ents attend the morning worship ser,- vice, nieets at il o'clock. On Sunday morning. ne'xt. ther~e wil 1i be the tirst of a series of Festival c I- . . I . m. -me su estar.. Attend our "worshiP services each Sun-. The Wednesday Evening ýBibleHor ---a ýiew me

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