Corne ln and see our new wornen',s riding. coats. At- tractive two and three-but- ton models ini browzi, green andiblack checks, plaids and solid colors. Ail wool, of course, The pTIces 9"5t>19.95 rangefrn. BAlLE Y'S 710 Churci, Sf.. Evanstosn Gm. 3060- the delicious cakes and: pies What'Il be at the ýsale."' Now, mothers, ,here's your oppor-. tunity. You just sit back and watch your chilluns work The gals do everything. As simple as Simon! Everything is going to be home made and deliciously scrumptious, The place is the Old Dutch Oven in Hubbard Woods; the time, ail day this Saturday. Lawrence Tower, 1132 Forest ave- nue, went down to the University of Illinois last week-end where he was the. guest of Wayne Hotze of Wil- mette, a student at the university. conversation in. ongress ana o01 uer-. ious debate -In London- and Paris. To attempt a definite answer to this question uppermnost In- our mids is to predict. To :predict is to assume the role of prophet. And that would be folly, for no one can foresee the turn of events by looking into the tomnorrow. There are too many possibiities, too many thlngs that mi.ght occur and too mnany things that might not. Goid Cause for Concera There 15, to be sure, good cause for the world to be concerned over the prospects of a general war. The relations between the nations of ThiroDe are becminff more and, lows: (1) Nationalism, (2) Economic Imperialismn, (3) Militarism, (4) Controlled Press, and (5Y Systemü of Secret -Alliances. Some idoutributint Factors Nationalism is an over-zealous pa- trlotism, where one race assumes it is superior to ailohe races. Hitler and Mussolini are the chie! spokesmen o! the doctrine. This is one of the major forces. at work to- day, both in Europe and the Far, East., Economnic împeriallsm emnbraces the search for* new markets and raw materials. Japan entered Chfina to get a new mirket and raw-mater- WE ARE NOW IN OUR NEW LOCATION SUITE 405 rig .f li cur to set of hatred rernment Inflame iament forces twat ýontrolled, Flnally, itself passes into Uitary men. 'ntrolled press and tionalistie feelings, Ssituation ini other ess the truth and ed and distrust. Consumers Creclit Corporation COMPARE se1. ii; oi be made to be tih war, anè 1' What, SAVE. were- World n must thus day as existed before thie World may ba said war, at the same timne there la, the cause" of a so-called Rome-Berlin-Toklo axis ing causes." and a gradual divlding o! nations. ansesinto two hostile groups. ýe underlying War je not inevitable. But there var? Can it are at work tôday practlcafly the Sfactors and sarne factors and forces that pro- ~~~. li x issenio Read gthe W'na Ad#