Yeflow-gold and blue, the flower girl's cress supplying a toucb of pinlc,. was the color. scheme, for* the wedding of Miss Jean Mitchell,. daughter. of Robert, Mitchell, and, Ernest John Enchelmayer, son of, Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Enchelmayer, 682 Grove street, Glencoe, whlch took place at 8 o'clock Saturday night at the Gléncoe Union church. The Rev. Douglas H. Cornell per- formed the ceremony before an aitar banked with pahuis, eight-branch candelabra, gnci baskets of Egsater lules. Easter liles also decorated the Mitchell home, 98.Linden avenue, Giencoe, where a reception was, held fnlloWinff the ceremrony. Ônly the two families attended the weddig of Miss Dolly Brown, daughter of Mr., and Mrs., Kenneth Cotton Brown of Evanston, former- ly of iCenilworth, aànd James Lee Murphy, Jr., son, of Mr. and Mrs., James Lee Murphy o.! Danville,"Ky.,. which at the home o! the bride's parents, 1822 Sher-idan road, last Saturday eveniflg. The cere- mony was perforrned at 8 o'clock by the Rev. Ernegt Fremont Tittie o! the First Methodist church of Evanston, and was followed. at 9 o'clock by a receptio1n. The bride' chose as her wedding day the seventy-second birthday of her grandmother, Mrs. .Harrison B. .Rilev of Pasadena, Cahif.. formerly o! gardenias, with nyacintný cascading from ribbon str< Miss Grace Brothers of the maid of honor, wore drese o! light blue moire. C were ini ber hair and shei wed. Banking the fireptace were dark. red roses, tail cathedral cand1- les' and garlands of laurel. Wearing an jvory satin wedding dress, a tulle veil fastened to a crown of seed pearls, and carry- ing white roses, the bride was at- tended by her younger sister, Bar- bara, as maid of honor, and Miss Joanne Williams of Evanston. for- and lowe lesh pinlc taffeta Sblue, 'and_ a1 h French blue r rI Jean Marig a receptionc SO'Clock., Jormnerly Uvm M'rs; Hatrrison of JYrs. BroWn, wimiemeotr ,r parents were of~ the, bridegroom wore pink lace e Murphyir,,.,. with orchids. The bride's grand- last Saturday,. nother was in pale blue velvet with r parents,. Mr. orchids,. ýand was fol- Hug hes Jackson froni Danville, in Kenilworth. Ky., a Center college friend o! the bridegroom, served as hest man, while Malcolm Cotton ýBrown. broth- ey o! derson of Ev Mrs. Walker. s. M