At the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil.E. Aiford, 2105 Chestnut avenue, Wilmette at .5 o'clock last Saturday afternoofl, Miss1 Elizabeth Kittle, daughter :of Mrs. Roy Leslie Kittle of 5240 ShIeridan, road, Chicago, was married to Maur- * ce, Copeland, of Memphis, Tenn. In the presence of fifty guests the * ceremony wasý performed by the Rev. Arthur T. Clark, assistant pas- tor of the First Methodist church i Evanston, the bride b e i n g given away by her uncle, Dr. J'. M. Alford. tof Galva, 111. She wa s gowned in* a white net wedding dress and tulle veil, her bridesmaids, Miss Gall Ripley of Hartford, Conn., and Miss Lorraine Kelley of Beaumnont, Texas, wearing bl1e and pink respectively. wedding took place, served as best manI. Playing the. wedding march and other incidentai music was. F. Lewis Eldridge of Winnetka, organ- ist of the First Methodist church. Foflowing a wedding trip of an unannounced destination, Mr. Cope- land and his bride will live tempor- arily in Chica go. Warren, district* press chairman, will, meet at 1:30 o'clock, on Wed- nesday,' March -29, at Federation_ headquagrters, 30 West Washington- Miss Mildred Wilds, club editor. on one of the 'metropolitan news- papers, willspeak on '<What Makes Effective Publiclty" and Mrs. Fred W. Waterznan, state press and pub- licity chairman, will define a "Good Press Scrapbook."' The scrapbooks will be exliibited and wil enter the district contest. Tea will, be served alter the pro- gramn. honoi Mrs. This. sale, which is an annlual event sponsored by the guild, will be. held this year at 1620. Howard streeti Chicago. The locîation, is about one and one-hal blocks east o! the elevated station at Howard street. Doors will be open from 9:30 until 6 both days. Persons desirmng to donate ruin- mage for the sale may commun!-: cate with Mrs. J. W. Hicks, presi- dent of the guild, : or Mrs. Adelor J. Pettit, Jr., vice-president, both of Wlnnetka, Bernie Photo Mrs. George Hanemen. of Kenil- 1007t13 l asisting on the com- mittee in charge of the dessert bridge which the North Shore Alumnae association of C h i Omega is having, together with -a style show, on the roof of the Orrington hotel on April 14. Tri Delta Head Mrs. Le slie A. Wood of Evanston was elected president of the Kappa Alpha Theta alumnae chapter'*at a meeting held last Wednesday in the home o! Mrs. Charles Carey of Gleri- coe. Mrs. Wood will succeed Mrs. H. A. Morrison of Winnetka who, has served two terms. Clark of from th are keE the ÇCh Navy F represe The openiflg tney :hibi- s. tist fitis