the arnusing resultÇ maY be leamii -Rehearsals, for the play are shap- .lng Up nicely ýunder the splendid dlwecton of Marie Flaches, Perkinu Allyn Rokan8on has been chouen tO Play the Part of the exotic Grand mula'5A'U II"Ofjiiwreut reported b> Charles W. Qenge, ch erme, Of the elub's athletic coxmlittee. Three tait and furious amateur boxrng bouts have been, arranged and two pro- fessionaI wrestllng matches are on the card whicl i l!! be presented with Rudy Roffman, Lake shore Athletic club atbletic director, as master of cerernonies. A full size ring has been erected i the club ballroom. Wives and cbildren of members wfil be admitted free. eLivfr*g ýPalestine" To Be Sermon'Tonaie porter," ýfor F. march 23 to 25 - Down Patrol,"s for A and Young -P- "Teres That Woman Again,"l for A and Young A. March 26 to 27 - "Son of Frank- enstein," for A. '"Next Time 1 Mar. ry, " for' A and Young A& March 28 to 30 - "flaere Goes My Reart," for F. '*The Great Man votes," for F. Lowell Peterson, street, Wl!!not be frm lartmnouth c 231 Severateeritb refturnng borne Movag t.VU, WIWITTU 914 VEETANBID *...-vS gregauion is morning,1 story of thq icoe, Miss Allyn Hokansen sense QoflUflm fect choice f< fascinating G The part dancer of the by Edith Snov lut enc ana vvaiuat met 1ructurai er- idéals of Palestine and Europe to- te day. Services at the North Shore Con- let gregation Israel are held every Sun- ,ed day morning at il o'clock. The ~x- temple is located at the corner of ia- Lincoln and Vernon avenues. in WOUL-DYOU CHOOSE? A i More Bowling News on page 8 Om.. sued, 111. P~.. D.aBId36 one any- j