Leo Burnett. Agenacy. Andrew Duncan, 389 Ridge..ave nue, Winnetka, has resi .gned frorn the sales staff of Good Housekeeping mnaga.zine to take charge of food merchandising for Leo Burnett com- pany, hic., Chicago. ad vertising agenc. y. Mr. Duncan joins his new firm April 1. Aftet graduation,,from. ,Northwest- ern university in 1925, Mr. Duncan becamne assoclated with the Nation- al. Tea company. In 1935 he was made sales direc- tor of the organization, and has twice won the Socrates High Award oLfthe Year forw 4h. be fod eai advertislng in the United States and Candada. The Duncans are moving May 10 bàck into their own house at 551' Kenilworth avenue, Ienilworth, and the owner of. t h e R'idge avenue house, Mrs. Joseph N. Woilett, who has been living in Mississippi, lu moving back there to occupy' that home. The. United States Civil Servic Commission has announced open cor petitive,.exarnina-tions forthe poi tions narned below. Applications MW be on file fot later than April 17. Assoclate health education speciali: $3,200, assistant health education seejià ist, $2.600 a Year, United States Pubi Health Service. Applicants for the ass ciate grade must flot have passed thel 45th, and applicants for the assistal grade Must flot have passed their, 40tl birthday., Aerologlst, $3,800 a year, Air Safet' Board, Civil Aeronautics Authority. Ex cept for certain substitutions, a 4-yea college course with major study ln mete orology, engineering, or physics. and pro fessional experience in aeronautica mheteorology, are 'recired. Appicant must flot have passed their 53rd birthday Full information may be obtainec fromn the secretary, of the U. S. Civi Service Board of Examiners,. at th( loal pot ýoffice. 13 Applicants Survive Police Job Examination The Wilniette' Fire and Police *MeDanlel Candy Co ... 38 46 .452 ice Boulevard Drug Co ...37, 47 . 517 WOMEN'8 LEAGUEi it The League-leadirng H1- R i d ge st'Market SWept the serles from BSm Etý Erlcjcmon delivery apd hinsWdoU lic advanced to three full games ahead '- of the second place Locust Farm Dir ,nt Stores', who took two out of three th from Ratny Florists. High Indlvi- dual1 gamne of the evening was roUied ty by Dorothy Schmnitz with 175. Rose' ar Toscan!. took high series with '441. e., High team series -li-Rdge' Market 0- 1912., High team ,game Locust Farm tStores- 692. Y. standings > Team W. ZL. pet. .d i-Ridge Mar~ket.....37 29 .561 il Looust Farm' Stores*.34 32 .515. e Ratny Florists......... 32 m4 .485 R.a ..2!)' 37- AZ :4 GLENVIEW LADIES' LEAGUE Teami StandingsW. L g Highland Park Bey ..51 30 .64 Ide 1Hour Tavern ....... 43 38 .6m e Bungalow Tavern ....... 39 42 .684 -Hugo's Tavern ........ 29 52 :610 An amendmnent to the bill was Biled with the commlttee and ap- proval given by State Senator Louis .1. Menge' c hirman 'of .the 1flti àoi Uniform ýéMotor Vehicle La*i comf-, mission which lu sponsoring the measure. 30 Dayste File The amhendmnent givesmuipa ities -of less:.than '100,000 lnhablitnts thirty days for llling objections in case truck routes asked by the trucking companies tbrough the municipalities. are found to be un- desirable. The objections would be: filed with the Department of Public Works and' Buildings under whose. supervision nearly ail truck traffic in the state would be placed should the bill become--a.law, ag it wiii study of pr( effects, gi% travels with a thorough i of the Golden Gate exposi *San Francisco. In all thei neying, the biggest thril i who is associated with his A. C. Wolff, and Frank Watl Wolff and Watt Hardware cc: was a lengthy visit with Match garne at Grenview Recreatiol 'Champions" vs. Glenview Recreati< larch 25, at 8 p.M. Budweiser Gir GROCERS BOWI The J. J. 'Lipp am led by Capta There are at present no vacancies on the police force. The commis- sion consists of Leo J. Hassenauer, t John F. Hoffmann, Jr., and George R. Harbaugh. LING LEAGUE REUN RO II PaerCopany Miss Ruth Suekoif, 819 Chest in "tolaBe, avenue, has returned frot» a v in "toprolc, in St. Louis where she was the. gu Pmng, if you can flnd the space i you4r newspaper for this, story. Thank you, eued their If Monday night ries from Mc pany. While1 adnWstering1 1sweeping niel Cani ilevaÈd Di sameAme length- manufuctureé; games, champions as the se- the sponsor a Y corn- season's char Lzg was chairman of iclne to The next 5ULe LU Lhave - - dA ur i ve wnling the as hoit and Iwill b 'e iild Tuesday, t.Ithe Glenview,,aileys rers' Nightifollowlng the bowling. AprIl litRi at