tor record S@ciety ous -Fe -at her-touch CrYsf ai Review." Regular price $2. À t HE Pickup. and a nw modula- Dookiel '"Thé miusic A LTHEWAY flon..type volume Control in- America LovetSlest.' sure >excellent performanice. Membershilp in Viclor Record H ,,W19/6eD8" Society. îÈ.w1 1151 WILMETTE AVE. 561 LINCOLN- AVE. JO IN QJL!NLAN.,R1ECORD ~SQ4ICQ~WINNETKA TrH E V 1.CTOR C R SO C I E T 'Y TQD 'A - &Y A Even the Wealher Man cas+ for March. crosses days of eaîlyjr- GUARANTEED COAL-COKE FUEL Oit CO!Sumers Comp4ny 1 L L I N 0O1I WILMETTE 1300 WINNETKA 3386 GLENCOE 75 WE,-HAVE SERVED THE NORTH SHORE FOR OVER A QUARTEftCF A CIENTURY WFLMETTE 568' W1NNETKA 4141 bis fingers wt'en b monkes a fore- courleous if is a safe bet that you wiII need more coal Spring. Why and a.guaranlee