I Aset ln »usiness A far more important res uit, ac- I~cordig to Mr.. Humphrey,. is that XU.LL. Jemnployers everywhere are showmng Voor « that thÊey realize that the ma 1n over - forty - if he has a past record of achievement - fis truly an ýasset in sera business today. "Life does not be- gin at forty, and surely does , not end there," declared Mr. Humphrey, as heý spoke.*of the unique nature of this club, based on simiilar organiza- tions in Boston, New York, Buffalo, .Los Angeles and forty other cities. Changlng Attitude Each of these clubs*9iàs self-sustain- ing, self-managed,, with no, dues or assessaments or costs 'of *anv kind The concert will, begin at 8,15 o' dock and a capacity audience is expected in view 'of the large num- ber of: alumni, and parents, of pres- ent and former students- a nd other friends of the schooli who live on -the North Shore. The club this year is made up of 32 trained voices under the director- ship of Dr. King Kellogg, of the, university music school faculty. Mu- sical organizations have played an important role in campus life at Denison sice the school was found- ed in 1831. Mrs. Ray Johnson and. Mrs.' Charles Grey,. of Evanston, and Mrs. Afln Wrizht. of Wilmiette.ar following girls wil paruicipate i n te play; Rita Kelly, Marianna Bolog- nesi, Ann*Marie Casey, EuIa. Hasten, adAnna Lavin. Miss Casey has played the leading role in the> last two Barat major produictions. Plays to be preentedý by the dif-ý ferent .groups durîng the series are as follows: Wednesday, May 10-'«M urder -inI the, Cathedral," by T. S. Eliot, Départmhent .if Drama, De Paul, university. Friday, May 12--The Women Htave Their Wa3," by S. and J. qumntero, Mundelein, college. Sunday, May 14-"Tidingà.Brought to Mary," by Paul Claudel, -Rosary college. Tuesday. May 16-One-Act plays present- ed by Barat coilege, The Cathespians, No0tre Dame Players, Tower Players. Thursday. May. 18-'The First Legion." by Emmet Lavery, Chicagoc CathoIic CHERRY VALLEY CHERRY VAILL IY STOKELY"8 I'NNEST WEEICLY, STAMP SipEceAL- to both classical and ;by the entire group, lent of the tradi- serenade is also TO> MOVE Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Napier and their children, Joan and Rodney, are moving on May 1, from 1789 Wash- ington avenue,: Wilmette, to 2211 As- bury avenue, Evanston. Mr. and 2-LB. -------LOAF PER --------PKQ. 148 __K GI MO lie Trea Garage ParWdug Nzt. P atrouize. Our Advergj ELAiI'S s.-e.c1.-1I' - *0 [UNTE - .. . . c ASS'T'D as. 14% N-oz- 28c