SPING T RIP 1An annual évent in the proègram of the North Shore AÉea counicil is a 'Spring trip to Camp Ma-Ka-Ja- Wan, the North -Shore Area counfl- owned camp near Antigo. Wis. ýThe trip this. year. is tô be made May 5. 6. and. 7,' with transportation by automobile. There wili be represen- tatives - two or more - from eacli tailed prograrn la now ina the hands of the Scoutmasters. The prcbabil- ity Is. that there. willb e 50 patrois participating, numnbering well in ex- cess of 400 boys. .. The patrols Will enter the grounds and secure their location any Urne after 9 o'clock Saturday morning, May 13. The Camp-O-Râl1 itself will adjourn at 2:45 o'clock. Sundlay a!- ternoon and will give 'way to the Mother's Day Tribute, which cere-, mony is to be on the same grounds. The master of ceremonies for the Camp - 0 - Rai is Harold. Splnney, Scoutma ster of Troop, Wilmette. .und Upholst.. 'Furnitur Our experts wil inake tliem look l.ike new!- It's also the economïical %.ay to do your spring cleaning. Phone us today!. M