has cnosen a, program varieu and £uixpre- hensive. Songs on the. first part of ber program wil i- clude selections from several of the popular opéras such as Don Giovanni, and Manon:à alào an înteresting 'Russian Folk Song by Gretchaninhoif, in, which a flute -obbligato is a, feature. Urme. Kurenko has divlded the second' hall of her program into two parts-"Russian Music of Yesterday" and "Russian Music of Today."' Groupings mnclude numbers by Tschailcowsky, Rachmnaninoff, Stravinsky and others. So anxious' 15she to, have the audience i full accord with ber, that. programs will be provided which list the words of the songs. Thus tiller appreciation will be possible. This conicert is bemng sponsored by the Ameni- can Friends Service *committee, and is for the benefit of :al sufferers of Central Europe. This means non.aAryans of ail denomninations; no dis- crimilnation of race, party or religion lu shown by the Quakers in their administration of relief. ýCâle . e àitvo Wnnet a sben 1nflu charge of arrangements with able assistance from civic leaders in all of the villages from Ev- anston northward. He reports a wàrm response to this appeal for help, based upon' the worthi- ness of the cause, and the excellence of the ne- citai offered. Those who have net already se- cured tickets may contact John Curtis ini Glen- coe, or make a last minute attempt to secure ih seats at the doon, where they wlll be on sale, if st any are available. ,bi Carlos Photo Joy rairman (Mrs. Edward P'. Haim, Jr.), 341 Ridge avenue, Wnnetka, will make her first Chicago appearance as a sonq ne- citalist at th~e edo'èdman théâtre, auesday ei,è- ning, May 2, at 8:30 o'clock under the direé~- tio»' of Bertha Ott. This artist possessesaa fine lyini soprano voice. There are feu, artists who can vocalize coloratura with such facilt? and her middle negister ia warm and vibrant. Joy Pairman received her early musical train- ng in Chica go, and then went to Rome where lie studied voice aind repentoire with the cele- seleec Concert CI.oirmtoa progr Women Musicians Close comriuttee memDers. The chairmen are as follows: Wilmette, Mrs. R. M. Sherritt, 714 Ashland avenue; Winnetka. Mrs., Louis E. McCauleyi 58 Woodley, road; Glencoe, Mrs.- Walter C. Hughes, 830 Grove street; Highland Park, Mrs. L. Lewis Cohen, 266 Hazel' avenue. Chairmen i other villages on the North Shore. wiil be announced lateir. Season plans are- rapidly growing into a prom- ise of the most glamorous season of opera ever presented in, Chicago. Affnong -the famous. art- ists already engaged. to singhere are Kirsten Flagstad, Lily Pons,. Graice, Moore, Gladys, Swarthout, Maria Caniglia, Hlilde Reggiani, Jan Kiepura, Andre Burdino, Tito Schipa, Ezio Pinza, Armand Tokatyan. Gi ovanni Martinelli. Musicians Club HolIds May Meetin~g Tu'esdoey The last regular artist program this season wiil be held by the North Shore Musicians club on Tuesday~ May 2, at the home of Mrs. Dwight C. Orcutt, '786 Greenleaf avenue, Glencoe. As- sisting hostesses that day wifl be Mrs. William J. Benner, Mrs. F. W. Fuermann, and Mrs. E. L. Lange. Dgram .el Mo4 ýand E Anderson" Capriccio, Opus 76, No. 1i.................. Brahms Chorale-'In dir ist Freude- ......... ...Bach-3useni L'isle Joyeuse.............................DIebussy Frances Anderson, Pianist A Little Song of Life ....................... Malotte Sketches o! New York (Along the East River)........ Kathleen Lockhart Manning Oh, that It were so! ...............Frank Bridge Parodies .......................... Herbert Hughes 1-Hush-a-bye baby on the tree top 2-Hey-Diddle-Diddle (in moto perpetuo) Hazel Moody, Soprano 'v e a