secretary; Mrs. John P. Gregg, treasurer; Mrs. Preston H. Williams,. registrar; Mrs. Charles B. Nelson, historian. The board of directors conss o Mrs. Beverly W. Ho we,' Mrs. William C. Shininick, Mrs. Pringle McCraven,ý Mrs. John T. HIomes, MrS. James J. Mulligan . Mrs. John J. Wurts. Officers were elected at the April mieeting held last .F'riday at the. home of. Mrs. William H. Bryant in Evanston. Wells Club Program The Evanston-N-,ortj] Shore, club. wilI have its next meeting dlay, May 2, at the home of Charles Kerr, 1118 Sheridan Wells Tues- Mrs. road. - - «Xmti.mree mwui tea iet luncheon at 12:30 o'clock, followed by a short business session an d election of officers. Mrs * Ruth A. Tooze will review two new biog- raphies; Dessert Brige s A benefit desert brirhdp- nfl1 tE DuBoiS--The Drake Mrs. Leoiugrd Paidar of Ken- iltwoth is a member of the com- mzteselecting prizes for the dessert bridge, jashion shoo,, and drama review the Associate Alumnae of Northwestern uni- versity wtrll sponsor at the Ev- anhton Country club Satùrdayj May 6, at 1:30 o'cÔlJçk,, 'SÜÎ és ditW nerpret a vur- rent play. The event is a schol- crship'and loan fund bene li. Jewish Council Calondar The calendar of the National Counèil of Jewish W n.(hiny ist. Provocative flatt two pairs--lu biaek, busu joseph- 629 Davis - Evanston km.uJ Paronize Our Advertisera un cay niursery wnicn operate in Chicago. Ploys ut Luncheoi iumnae Move to Kenilworth Dr. and Mrs. Frank E. Peters and their sons, Jini and Jack, moved Monday from their home at 76 Warwick avenue, Winnetka, to 601 Ridge road, Kenilworth. I Evansfon GREenleaf 6161 have sa te