Tbeofre. Wouukegom Moffwees Delly-4fmarf 1:30 Now Through Saturday Robert Mnfl..ry RosolIId Russell @FAST AND LOOSE'" Élus Second H it A - Aduits; C - Children, 8 to 12 years of aige;, Y - Youth,. 13 'to 18 years of age; :F.- Entire family.> Wil mett*e Theatre April 27, 281 and 28 - "Honolulu," for F. "Whispering Enernies" for A and Young A. April 30,,May 1 and 2- "Stand Up and Fight,". for A and, Young A. "Twelvre Crowded Hus"for Il Teatro del Lago April: 28, 29,, 30 and May 1 "lHuckleberry Finn," for F.- May 2, 3: and 4 - "Yes, My Dan- ing Daughter" 'for A.. "You Can't 1,Cheat an, Honest Man," for F. E. 0 Anderson, ivrs C. C. son, and .Mrs. H. G. Van also announced that a cnm- 711orow a me voT3fUTorn eater. Jeffrey Lynn, Fay Bainter and Roland .Young play prominent parts. "You Can't Cheat an Hon- est Man," wit1h Charlie McCar- thy and W. C. Fields "feudin' completes the program. that amounit Of smoke. during the" production of thefilght scenes in Uni- versal's. "Ex-Champ," *which stars Victor' McLaglen.> Pilming scellés at the new Amneni- ican Legion StÉadium, in Hollywood, it was necessary to duplicate the smoke-filled air which is typical of a bg boxing arena. Pour hundred extras 'were provîded with cigars and. cigarettes anid ordered to "àrmOke UP" but their combined ef- forts' provided nothing more than a thin haze. Then Lazýlo called for "smokepots" and "bee-smokers" and these were Put into action by his assistants. Smoke-pots are. suiphur torchesad ___ Y., EIected The Year's Best coniedy! Uncle Sam's. Daredevils! Claudtte Colbert B'WINGS'OF Don Amoche TENV UMIDIH With GEORGE BILENT IDNIGHT'OLI VIA DE HAV1LLAND Extra Saturday Matinee (Open 12:15 p.m.)-"'Buck Rogers" Serial NORSHORE Howard Neur Clark JIIERUJGI Variety Swing-Show Frl.-Sat.-4un.-Mon. Priscila Lane "tare." Lazlo figured the arena to be 200x 200x6O feet, a total of 2,400,000j eubic feet. It was filled five times for var- ious "takes" of the boxing bout, between Tom Brown and Kid Chis- seil. COMMNET Friday-Saturday Tyrone Power 66JESSE JAMES"1 Plus "B9LONDIE MEETS Sat.. Mat.: Serial Bros. Sq, 6 . 1-y >F n VALENCIA Prday-Saturdaiy '*THEY MADE ME A CRIMUNAVI Plus 6"0AR< jPlu - em )tball seasons start early in Hol- e. of the first challenges for all supremacy (on the screen) nden way last week when "Oid was given the starting gun Lveageanci .rom 3rwn n Ui- 1 erirjpison Iscene on M-CG-M'u versal's "Ex-Champ.". back lot whene "8000 Enemies" was being filmed with 350 extras, spoil- Action of the script called for a ing the scene and necessitating a scene to open w i t h MeLaglen, retake-fon elephants are flot to be Brown, Nan Grey, Wm. Frawley and found i penitentiaies. Donald Briggs to be laughing boist -____________ erously, after which the dialogue was to begin. BEHIND THE WAR CLOUDSI Five times Rosen attempted to Lget 1Marie . #-i-.-ý- 1 !-I Phones: WImette or wlbR9tka 3900 BetWeen WIflow Hignway and Dimdee Roads s ami Allen Eleanor 45, BOUL. ST A L Acres of Free Parking Space i No Ma' L-ando P i 715WM -i- Bleanor Powell-Robert veu Free Phone Service Ls and AUen 450