tUI,6 'CU. n. in Perfect condition. $60. 1Phonýe Wilmnette 38S57.. l71LTN51.ltp MODERW WALNUT CHINA CABINET. in fine condition. Reasonable. Phone Wilmnetté 340. 17e Fom oz E-MISCELLANKOU. WRECKING CLAY TOÔU'mA RK ESTATE RESj. ý dence. & Greenihouses, 1070 Lake Rd., Lake Forest. AIi materials for sale on premnises. Furniture, Interior trlm, cabi- nets, doors, windows, hdwd. fig., Plumnb. ing., electrie fixt., heating plants, etc. GLOBE WRECKING -COMPANY 173LTN49.3tc MîAHOG. DOUBLE BED, BO0X SP., MAT. .$20 complete; grand Piano. Trombone Martin. See it. Make offer. Stamp book, $5. Fifteen golf clubs, lo,. to $1. Roller ice skates, tennis net good $2. Ilorse. shoes, 50ic, sled. $1. Kenilworth 4950, 704 ]Rpger .AVe, KenUwor±ia.. 173LTN51-Itp NEW USED .TIRE S WHOLESALE RETAIL Passenger and Truck sie . PýLAYGROUND EQUIPMEXqT. EXTRA strong frame-wýork.'Swing, trapeÉe, rings. Wnnetka 339à. 1ý73LTN51.itp. GREEN AND, IVORY ENAME9L GAS stove. Babybed. Reasonable. Wl!- mette.227.173LTN51-ltp GREY WICKER STROLLER, CAN ALSO be used as buggy. Very good condition. Wilmette 4632. 173LTN51-1te SINK, ACID-PROOF PO0R CE LA 1N. .single drainboard, chromium fittîngs. $1ý0. Winnetka 633. 173LTN51..ltp, USED OFFICE DESKS AND CHAIRS. Phone Wilmette 1664. 13T5-t 14WTD. TO UUY-MISCELLANEOUS Wednesday, April 19, without a dissenting vote andT virtually no de- bate, the Senate passed a naval authorization bill for the expendi- ture of $66,800,000 on improve* a cilities in the form of air bases., submarine bases and sluch. On the same day, likewise without a dis- senting vote ancd very littie. debate, the House passed: a 'bill authorizing 'the expenditure of $5,615O0 by the Civil Aeronautics Author-ityr in the training of civilian pilots. Several 'Other Megsures Tro these two mneasures acted upon this week should be added several other'bils.already enacted inton law pending on the calendar. Last year the Congress eriacted a $1,000,000,000 naval vessel construction àuthoriza- tion bill. On~ April 3 of this year authorization bill for an expenditure of $300,000,000, on the army air force, $23,750,000 for the rehabihi- tation of the Panama Canal and $36,500;'000 on the industrial "educa-f tional orders." On April 13; the, House passed another naval public works bill authorizing an expenditure of $38, 524,500. There is also pending on 1 the Calendar of the IIoise. a mil- T» cordination ooftheiitary and-naval' 1aCtivities. It is, true that Conýgress has re1-1 paired niany deficiencies Ini our ýMil- tary and naval etabliabImt. But as commendable as thatis, it'can- flot be said that a truly adequate defense can be mnaintalned. for our People simnPlY by passing a series of bills and sp endlng Imoney. Th!ere m.rust be coordination and long-range, Planning., That is the essential- ele- ment Iacking in the 1present Pro- grain. Much coUld. be accomplished. in thîs. regard if, the Presidenit couid be preva iled u]Oon toi establlsh a Na- tional Liefense commission for the sole purpose of making a complete study of the subi èct. Such a study can be undertaken wîthout delaying the work now under way. it.,woeil4. sefrve è iv.e ýepéople a complete pieture of the situation and at the same trne' enable us to coordlnate our defense system and keep itUp to date. It would enable us to plan for the future ini what we do today.