Richard T rey ...... ..... C ec Rorn .............15.88 Alfted 'roscani ............ Parhek LRbon-.............$710 Park Police .......... 4.95 746.65 John A. Vaill................. W.P.A....... 8.60 Gordon B. Walace....... ...... Park Superintendent .$ 2.250.00 Beach Superintendent........ 450.00 2,700.00 PFred- Weberg, ............... Park Labor...... ........ $ 520 Park Police........... ..... 1,070.00 1,122.80 Donald Wilson .. . . Lite Guard .....................107.47? HaldaneWilson............ Lite Guard ................ .....328 Richard Wilson........Life Guard...............134.42 Tot.lýDiàsbursernents froni Labor Fund April 1. 1938 to March 31. 1939.-$15.110.74 Statement of Disbursements from the 'Bond 'and Interest Account. April ý1. 1938 tO March 31, 1939 Principal Paid on Matured Bonds:........ 1........... ......... ...... $20.000 Interest, Paid on Bonded Indebtedness........... ............ ........ 4,780.00 tota1-.-.Disbürsements from Bond and Interest. Ac 1count ............ 24,780.00 STATE OPF ILLINOIS 1,s 'COUNTY 0F COOK. F. Dew ey Anderson, being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that he [s 'the Treasurer of The Wilmette Park District, and.that theabove and foregoing [s -a correct statemnent of mnoneys received and paid out by hlm as Treasurer of said Park District for the fiscal year begining on the ist day of April, A. D. 1938 and ending. March 31, 1939. Further affiant saith flot. ~ÛbSrIbd ~ ,.~F. DEWEY ANDERSON, Sûscib'dîadsworn to before nie this 24th day of April. A. D. 1939.4eau. W. B. ROBINSON, JR. My commission expres September 5, 1939.,oaY ulc Shawnee's Wonienj Bowlers Honor Sea son Winners O Bo.wling K. 0F C. LEAGUE ;wvo nights left to the finish Mathew Francis Photo Memorial services for Johni A. ("Daddy"> Hood, 106 Sixoth atreet, Wilmette, veteran of the Civil uiar, w7b iëdonW éneïdduï 4 laat week, were held Saturday afterioon at the Wilmette Prea- byte'rian church. Enlisting with the 5lst Infdiana vol-' unteers in the War between the on Saturday ater *a brie! iness. A resident of.the village since 1911, she was the widow of M. E. Corneli. Civil war veteran, who died tln 1926. A daughter, Miss Martan- L. Cor- neil, of the same address; three sons. George L., of Minneapolis, Frank, H., 1110 Asbland avenue, Wilmnette, and Paul B., of Atlanta, Ga.; -three haif-sisters, and a hall-brother sur-. vive. CARL EDWIN LANCE Carl Edwin Lance, 24,> 1407 ýElmn- wood avenue,. was ktJled at 9 â'clock Sunday morrüng, when he fel ti front of! a train at the Cottage Grove-Drexel station of the South Slie elevated ti Chi- the third rail, it was announced. Survivors are the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles 0. Lance, 1407 Elmwood avenue; a sister, Miss Vi- -olet Lance, and a son, Donald Ed- win, 3 years old. FUneral services were held Wed- nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock,ý at Scott's funeral home. Burlal was ti Memorial Park cemetery. un ,'r I, son in club history.. The luncheon the season a littie soorier. Nothing farm land. was arranged by Mrs. Frank D. definitely decided upon yèt.Fo the past,2 Weber, >chairman, and her commit- Trhe race is still very close. ,Any his home with, tee, Mrs. R. R. Lippincott and Mr's. of the fIrst six teams cari still fInish Lenoir Hopd 1 Paul W. Cook. in first place. Hicks Krier and Ace Last year he a The Shawnee league honors were Motor Sales are again tied for first nies connected v clinhedby he. Turuoie" tamplae wth 5 wo an 37 ost Wil- ary 0f the batt] elinhed y th "Tuquose" eamplac wit 56won nd 3 los. W .- XA lw.Ap Ap d mnade. ,were- niver- Y. He :ast, COlWING ALONG P sertes l'à ýi