far nortn and west as Isle Royale and, Duluth, making it possible for the summer vacationïst to visit prac- tically the entire area of the Great Lakes on one cruise. As in past years, the two big oil-fueled steamn- ships North An'erican and South American, wiIl ply from Buffalo to Chica go and return, with stops at Cleveland,, Detroit, O w e n Sound, Lancaster. Mrs. Allen a n d Mrs. Ray made the rèmainder of their trip to, New York, by train. Attend Fathers' Week Activity at Culver G. D.RBertkce l21306v nreeno ýIIie.«Ve. roeesouwfm, s. SUrn.m end new sicifsaor. lhgroa.d 1 by eppostmoty fer protce. in.aogr.upef, sUer ehldr w1 orm» mise Isorcaý arismmer of feu Io muier nel. gulio f'shdon" Atddries&OS. WMILt JIEINS.LLOYSb, iSf. C"ri",s 11. Girl CAMP BRYN AFON &F« 300 Acres ini Lake Region of Northera Wisconsin. 1,750 feot ah.,. Sna Level. Swimning; Saiing; Aquaplaning; Tennis; Archery; Golf; Rid. ing; Art; Dramatics. Canoe Trips on famous Flambeau and Manitowilh Rivers. Horseback Trails through Pin. Forests. Screened Cabins. Staff of Collegç Graduates. 22nd Season. looklet - Loto C. Ir.odbrldge, ThIgoS.*Cdile. Detroit. MieL. Deerhorn Camp for Boys Four 'miles f rom &yn Afon (the aister camp), U*erhorn oTes a con- structive and happy, gummer for, boys-7 te, 15. Swimming, Sail14, Tennis,, *ding and Canoeing are feutured. Speial discount for brother ansd sister. Sookief -Don Iroadbrldg.1016 *.t.. 1ow. Detroit. Miel. Boys S wùnn odg - Tn i- 14 oaf - b ü R d SndModng- x ing Trips of Iteret' Wre"tn% - AroIery Trrulusi Iestrastors Direct Ebob O&rom A idrectors ame gràaduates of pblsicl ucatipon. There lsaua- inatruetor for every 10 or 12 ohil-. dren and one additional for uwhnmng lfltruc. tion. Hall Day - FuiR Day - FuB ilme Asson.fd Casmping