services this season of one of the country's leading tennis profession- aIs, according to Charles E._Gen' chairman, of the athletic *com'Mit- tee. A fuli season of tourniament -play in ail classes.and special ex- hibitions is undercon sideainit details. to' be anriounced in the nearI future. Shawnee w "ilI also' inaugurate this week the pew eqluipment which bas' been installed to augment the men'o. and. women's health deparinents., Exercise and rubbing tables. have. been'installed and. ultra-violet lam-,p equipmient provided, in -addition to the punching bag and rowing ma- chine for individual workouts. opre and. iBrigniwell and, Rennold ; .seventhi, Leal; .eighth,. Lippen: ninmth, len- tye teth.lTeinzen; eleventh. Peter- son; -tweifth, Stone; *.thirteenth, 5e- erin; furteenth. Logàdon,. and fit- teenth, Dalstromn and, Petty. Prize for the most ralîroads, went to Browne, for the low game without handicap to Mçstjian, and the low series without handicap to Myrlanàd. Team W .Ptct. f'tiners.........50- 40 .556 Artillery ........ .........4« 44 .511 .Rombers........ ..45 45 .500, Toroedoes...........ý44,46 .49q "lestrèvers......... .... 43 ' 47 .478 Eneineers ... ........... 42 48 .467 Last Monday night the annuai bowling dininer was held at Phil ji usons at wnicn lime new 011i Evanstonians 1>eteat cers were eiected for the 1939-1941 season. Plans were laid or he Wilm tteNine 5 o ~season and ail bowling prizes wer Evanston ,defeated Wilmette A. C. Next issue of LiFE will show ti at the former's diamond last Sun_ resuits of the several entries in th, day to open the Illinois State AmTa- state tournament as weIl as in t& teur league competition. The score North Surburban tournament. was 5 to 3. W MTEALY Wilmette will play Glencoe next yWILMETgthre games Mna Sunday afternoon at 3 o'elock at the nBy ,Wolfnnd atte rdgaineMo vilage green. Applicants for posi-nihoffndWtHawaec -ago rug owners. ~4anYMESTJJAN. COMPLET£E UNE 0F BROADLOOMS WILMETTE 5051 511 GREEN DAY RD. Cleaning - Repairing - Laying - Mosuhproofjng Dinn.r on Mother's Demy tvUl be a deUglat- ,Pd treat fin the spaciousg Mans Dahlss Kasper,3b Hoffmqant,e Mrqmar,cf 1 Speredes.rf Steffens,2b Iauplb Fronzak.M Huckp Jeromarf 3) r h 01, 0 1 0 1 3 0 Q 0 0 1 0 0 0 Evaîiston (5) ab r Wittk'mp,2b 3 1 Canip,2b 3 1 A.Kaus.If 4 0 B.Kaus,rf 4 0 Waurzyn,lb 4 0 Kosculak,c 4 0 3 1 Fronzak,ss .4 O Bennish.p 12 Anders' 1 0 's chamnpions, fîîmshec Final Standig Vatt Hardware 65 40 t1 corid Service ...57 48 tBoosters.. .52 53 Drug Store .. ..50 55 n Tailors;.. .47 58 e ýady Co ....«44 61 j games inREAD THE JVANT A»S ar 179 ipound I I pouncas ar had a str tories to ............ ........... a* e"*s*