as lie does arrang figures world fa- -moeus. We, and those around us, we know, gave ourselves over to coïn- plete enjoymeicnt of Alec Temnpleton's playing. His musiciansbip as flot ohly, what it is., but he bas the added gift of program buil ding-knows bow to suit varied tastes, how not to give too. much of any:one tbing. To the seriousness. of music, and -tô in- formality and fun to be found in it. he dedicatied bis Program, one haif to each kind. Schumann, Schubert, Chopin. Liszt, an. English composer, and Debussy were composers whose %works he chose. for the flrst half. Then bis improvisations, and special- ties. for wbicb be is noted, brougbt tbe informality and fun to the sec- those who did flot we cannot repro- duce it in words. As we listened to Alec Templeton once again we were impressed anew by the sensitive, spiritual beauty of his toucb and tone, bis keen perception, imagina- tion, anid bubbling sense of humor. In tbe parlance of slang Alec Tem- pleton 'has something!- The words of the program chair- In order tbat those wio would __ be unable t6o at- tend tbe :after-. Mrs. Fl Freund nmon affair, May participate, Mrs. Albert Rodenkirk is opening ber borne at 309 Sixteentb s treet for tbose guests,, Friday nigbt of this week. On the committee for tbe eventsI are Miss, Katherine Leal, Mrs. George Scberzer, Mrs.,Rutb Wilson, Mrs., Aram Mestjian, Mrs. Grace Jefferson, Mrs. James McCue, Mrs. Carl Peterson, Mrs. Hubert L. Good- ricb, Mrs. Rodenkirk, Mrs. Tom- Hall, Mrs. E. H. Myrland, Mrs. Haig Kashian, and Mrs. Orville G. Dafly. clnay Through Friday M'ay 22-23-24-25-26 10 a.n. to 10 P.m. Admission 35e Woman's Club of Evanston Chieago Avenue and Chureli Street Wilmette L. of W. V. Participate in Pariey Evanston Sponàored iiy the Chicago Roelaiord Colle5. Cils& Cook ersv at th4 mnusic.- MN'rs. Frank R. Adams addressed mnenibers and guests at spring flow- er bebecked tabies-welcomed them. introduced the club's guests of honor the incoming officers, and tben gave oVer the, gavel and keys of the club to her successor. Mrs. Charles S. Cla rke,. president of the Conference of Club Presidents an'd Program Chairman, honor guest at, many of 1tvies. Reservations for the luncheon for members o! the Wilmette league may be made with their president, Mrs. F. W. Merrifield of 1014 Elrn- Wvood avenue, until Sunday. Ail members of the league are eligible to attend. -d Miller, art chairi is S. S. Hardwick, Sale Qolfing Casual Events -J.