tulle veil was of ivory to match her dreÉ.s; she carric 'd a bouquet o f hya- cinths, and wore a few of the same. flowers in ýher hair. In contrast :to. the simple decora- * tions of the chapel, adlbaand woodwardia fern, were the -gowns of the bride's attendants in ýa straw- berry pink, repeating the sanie col- or in the s--tained glass winidows of the, chapeL. They were, made« with fitted quilted taffeta jackets and or- ganza, skirts, Julieit caps, matching the dresses. The floweres were bou- quets of rubrum huEles. : I the wecAding party, were Miss Nancy Stone of Ithaca, N. Y., maid of honor, and Miss Portia Mary Lee 4)f Evanston, bridesmaid, botb' cou- sins of the bride. Dale Purves of Philadelphia was his brother's best Purves of Litchfield, Conn., Edmund Purves of Media, Pa., brothers of the bridegroom; Norman MacLeish of Winnetka, and Richard Florsheim of Highland Park. The bridegroom's mother, Mrs. Austin M. Pu.rves, was here from Philadelphia for the wedding and also his sister-in-law, Mrs. Dale Pur- ves. Mrs. Albert G. Stone 'of Ithaca, N. Y.. ant ol ,f thé- hr ss,- n Id he A. reception inmediately iollowed at the fir-st the Shoreland hotel. school. Mrs. Purves and his bride will teachers live on the south side in Chic ago, Mrs. Gi after a short wedding trip. of honoi kovitsch, DeFalla, Strauss-Giesek- ing,-'and Dohnanyi Mrs. Walter Knupfer, chairman of the Wilmette Festival! commiittee, announces that she and the mnem- bers of her comrnittee, aire stili tak- ing or.ders- for the sale. of single ticketls. Baptisi Women WiII Hold Annual Meeting The annual meeting o! the Womn-1 an's society o! 'the Wilmette Baptist church will be held Friday of this week at the church. Mrs. John B. Davis, president, w.ilI have, charge o! the m~eeting. There will be spe-; A play, "Just Like Us," will be given by a group o! the young wom-j en of the church. Cynthia Richards, Joan Guthridge, Winnie Dickinson. Virginia Brashears, Jean Wolff, Opal Carpenter, Clara Butow, and Ora Butow, and members o! the cast. li Luncheon will be served at 1 o'clock, with the Link leaders as hostesses. iierron, Skf WiII tiiem r READ TU*E JANT ALPS I