-- - - - w aC .:s J year odç-. He was formerly associated with the Chicago and North West- *1 ern. railway. and later was general Manager o' the Whit' as n Yukon ine in Alaska. After. leav- ing the latter companyý he estab-, lished his own business. Tie was a miemiberof the, lXnight s of Columbus. and' was a former rnember of the Trafic club ýof ýChlii- cago. He is sur'vived by bis wiclow; by five children. Edwin, Bernard.. Jo- seph, Rosemary, and Paul, the lat- ter a senior at AmTherst college: and by bis..mother,. Mrs. SarahDeminp- sey. of Evanston. The family home * is" now at,1032 West Loyola -avenue.ý Chicago. ago. andthe mnoter. of Au C. Allen, with wo she ma( hôme. ber Born in Lake Pro videnc eLa., 89 years ago. Mrs. Allcn lived in the southm until, afte r her marriage. She *was a mrnember of the First Method- ist e h u rceh of Evanston,. and of t he Daughters .of the Cônfederacy. A sister, Miss Octavia McCarroll, 98 years of age, who lives at the'Ridge avenue address, survives; also a grandson, Harry A. Allen of Kenil- Worth, and' a- granddaughter, Mrs. ,Edward- L. Cooley, the, former Mor- veli Allen, of Highland 'Park. Augustus C. Allen and bis.famjily were former residents. of .Gieneoe. Funeral services were held Sliw- If fils Do/Du 0,7,/I Mr. Martin was born in Kentland. iid.. 45 years ago, and had been in business in Chicago for 18 years. He was first associated with Baird anhd Warner and. latér with Vincent Bendix. For the past three years h, had.beeni head of the department ()f public relations of Crane corn- pany. He is survîved by bis widow, Mar- ms, DR. IPHILLIP H. HOLMES Dr. Phillip H.; Holmes, brother of Mrs. R. A. M. Anderson, 1614 Elrn- wood avenue, Wilmette, died sudden- ly in Tarpon Springs, Fia.. last Fri- day where he had been making bis homne for the past eight years. Ai by, the Rev, Leland Hobart Dan- forth. , uria1 was at Memorial Park "lY home, where funei cemeery.were held Truesday. MV _______________drove directly to meet GEORGE H. PATTISON son when she arrived George H. Pattison 1011J Spruce iay fMs oms street. Winnetka, passed away atti his home Tuesday. of last week of MR.MRYT coronary thrombosis. He was 70 Mrs. Mary. Telfer Lw~ years of age. cago, former residentc MVrs. Ander- in the coin- 5USTED T IHERE'S only Onme sure way to learn what a wonderful value Dodge is thiis year. That is to go to your tDodge dealer and get the facts first-hand. Be critical. Compare Dodge with others. Then decide for 726 El. Street Wil auI. e gs mxces m, ý111. 1 orý .0 1ro