Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 May 1939, p. 10

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The order- of service for is evening's Ascension ]Day service follows: Prelude-Offertoire..........:Dubois Athem ---'O IMenof ýGâlUjee"............... Schmauck Offertory-Melody ........MacDowell The Sermon--The Purpasesý of Chrlst's Ascension" . Acts 1 :8-11 Postude- Tiumphal March......... .Beethoven The question-box. 'services which proved sa, interesing and profitable in the evenlng services, wlll be' contmnued on the third,. Sunday morning of each month until. the evening services are reaumed in September. The first will be held next Sunday. The order of service will include: Prelude-Invocation. ... 4........ Dubois Introt-"Hear, 0 Lard, When 1 Cry With My Voice"..Schmauck Anthem-"My Jesus, As Thou Wit .'........ Electra Austin Gamnin Offertory-Song Without The Sro- sdo questions asked by members and others. Postlude--Grand lWarch .......... Rafi Sunday afternoon and evening aur young people will be hasts tathie,.Wal- ther league soceties of the North Shxore, zone. Session at 3:30; supper at 6:00; evening >program at 7:k0. TNext Thursday the Martha Guild meets at 3 p. m., leaving ah 5:15 for a tour of Bible Church, u6 Elm Street, Winnetkaý Howard 1A. ,1ermansen, mnse Trhursday, May 18 10:30 a. in. -Wamen's Sewiîng. Group.. 7:45 p. m.- Maranatha Rally. with Mr. and IfrS. Haward M. Skinner.ý mu- silnand W. Karr- Steele, artist, also cored mving pictures of Maranatha Bible Conferences, Muskegon, Michi- gan. 8Friday, May 19 8'.P. Bible Fellowship Prayer Meeting. 8 p. m Teacher Training Class. Sunday, May 21 9:45 a. in. Bible School. Classes for ail ages. Il a. m. - Preachin.g Service. 5 p. m, - Bible Fellowship Group. Program in charge of George Santa and Ruth WaUlin of staff of radio sta- Jiwf WJW. 5 p. m. - Christaî~n tCrui déià, h$r school andi college-age graup. Harley Barnes of Northwestern University will speak. 7:30 p. m.- Organ Meditations, Har- niet Lindahi, organist.t 7:45 p. mi. - Monthly Sunday Eve-1 ning of Music. Congregatinal singlng. choir, maie chorus, with William Bur- caw of Dallas, Texas, former operatie tenon as guest soloist.1 The Woman's Mlssioflary sýocîety will have, its Mte-fo0x. Opening meeting Thutsday, May 25, 'at the parsonage, 1018 Lake avenue. Mrs., Daniel Stecker, Mrs. E. L. Waldlorf, and Mrs. A. L. ,Fuller will participate in the pnoigramn.- The, meeting will be at 2 'o'clock anid every warnan of the church is cordially invited ta be ptesent. The Northern'- District W.H.M.S. will have its annual meeting Friday,. May 26. The Men's class will:have an out-door p>arty May 27. Every man Is urged to save the date. The annual meeting 'of the Woman's Guild will be held June 1 ti the Woni- an's room. Annual reports and program I June 4 is the anniversary Sunday of the dedication of this church. Services of a special nature are being arnanged for that day whiCh will beglu the senies ý« nnvr ty ÊtotYaevânees ýafl ned ta culminate in June, 1940, nean the date of the Tenth anniversary of the dedication of. the chureh. New members wiIl be received on June 4. TI the af- ternoon, a Reception Tea, honoring the new. mernbers received this Canference. year, will be held at the church. Jüné 9~ is the date of the Junior Guild Ice Cream Social at 1010 Elmwood ave- nue. The Interm.ediate Epworth league held 1010 Central avenue, Wilmette The R1ev. Dlavid R. Kabele, pastor Church school........ 9:45 a.m. Morning worshlp..........il1 a. m. The music for the serviceof worship, àext Sunday morning is as follows: Prelude--Andante" from E Minor Sonata ..............Beethoven Anthemn-Come, now,.alid let us. Reason togèther ............. .Briant The Choir Sol-Hear my Prayer ..........James Ernest Schaper Postînde-Phantasie Opus, 49....Chopi n Victoria. McLeod-Ministry of. Music On Thursdlay of this week the wômen will motor to Maywood for'their annual i3undil Dy at the Children's Receiving Homne., Thèy will. spend the, dayi mending the children's clothing. Cash donations are being. received with which ta purchase . canned goods ti quantity lots. Mris. E. B. Knudtson,. chaîrman. will be glad ta receive your contribution at any tine. Chureh school convenes on Sunday morning at 9:45 o'clock. We invite al the unchurcheçl çhildren of the v illage to atted où' ChréÊ choo1. There are classes for ail ages. The course of in- struction used is Christ Centered, based entirely upon the Bible. Attend aur service of wvorship next Sunday ,mornfing atIl11o'clock. The Senior Luther league will meet on Sunday evening at 5:30 o'clock at, the homne of Miss Virginia Teufert, 2200 Me- Daniel avenue, Evanston. the Éhïcago ;s of- 8 P. n.-ChiMehasl J. Morris dent Gustafson, directar. ving eval Thursday, May 25 lass, 7:45 p. mi. - Mldweek service of r ai praise, prayer and Bible Study. Message are by Ruth M. Granene, genenal secretary of America's. Youth Bible Reading Cru'- sade. his . - 17: 30 )y Scout Troop 3 - Tuesdays at p. M.. St. A ugustine's (Epis copal) Rev. Hubert Canleton. rector Rev. Chandlen Sterling, curate seri-16n. w11,q11 has5rece the nien of the tend this very formative meeti illustrated lec, he Haly Land" unearthed 'AUl as well as in- Choir rehearsal, Wedrlesda.yý evening, May 24, at 7:30 o'élock. -Remnember the Sabbath day, ta keep it holy." Troop II. on Page 12) wec Tn lethé iWl worhsio nt i O!<

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