Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 May 1939, p. 63

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7 roomn '2 block~ 4 ELMER JLTS, *For SALE OR RPENT-5 BOOM no USE near Skokie boulevard.Telephone High- land Park.3784. 133L2-ltp 134 FOR RtENT-FURNI8NEb HOUÈS Henry F. iJarre, sec janitor. ItLJ.W-tfcoom5 Sbdrm-s.. 4ýà oatns. 501PAK R. KNIWOTH 1320 WESTMOOR TRkAIL. WINNETkA. Excellent -location for phtographer. 9 room brick. 5 bdr-mî., 312 bathS. mien's furnishings. -ladies' %year, etc. McGUIRE &ORRI, mc. 12x15. 30Davis. St., Eývanston Würnitè 228>. 836 Greenleaf Ave.. Giencoe. e rmr. brick, 14OLN2*lc 6bdrms.,2baths. Large ravine lot- Choice Location iieuc,. A EUTFLHOEWIHG~UD 147 FOR SALE-1OUSIEr 464 MARlY ST.,: GLENCOE. '7 RI., of 3','2-acres is offered as a furnished WUTLTrAKER East obrick l4 drm.. ah.1 i rentai, for July &:August. Houise-bas 7 ~Es friwy famiily, bdrms.. 4 baths. servants' quar- PHOTO TOUR 0OF HOMES 25 A NL ERCS IH ters, iibrary, brkfst.,roô.m, a delightful- 10CKKOL ERCS IH screenied porch with awning across the Will save you many hours of time and land Park. 7 roorn Cape Cod Colonial. back of the bhouseoverlooking gardens. 3- many miles of travel in locatiflg a suit-.4 bdrms., 13"2 baths. Practica ly newv. cargaag. 2.00 orth sasn. able 'home for -your family.,You will see ý'2 block East of Sheridan Road. Opený projected views of many properties which S unda>' .2 to 5. Frances J.. Winscott. 'meet your price, location and. size re- EXCL USIVE AGENT quiremrents. Those Vou select will be in- GREEN BAY ROAD.- S. E., CORNER 614 Wilow R .d. Winnetka 1267 spected at your convenience. Such out- Marian. Just North- of County Line. 134LTN2-ltc standing b V-,e.ius as these will be show' oI New-under constructiont. 6 roomf stone, ________________ -EAST KENILWORTH 31drs,12at. 1. NEW AND CHARMIINGLfY FURNISH- Ideal homne'for a si-all family. Brick ed smiall bouse on wooded lot. Near lakc colonial, 6 rnis., sun rm. là tule bathis, WE ARE OFFERING SEVERAL LOTS in south Glencoe. 6 rooîIis, 2 comrplete, 2 car gar. Close to Sears schi., stores and in beautiful Skokie Ridge,_Glencoe. and tayaerts. 2 ~er cge~i~er.3~S nir. .$4~O0~also several sites in Souh HieUghld-Park mlonths. We arc proud to offer. this at SOUTH GLENCOE at rduceèd rice~s. S125, . A__New E.nglarid colonial-brick first 2. On lake in Winnetlsa. With private floorï-.capboard, 2ni afi, stone front, 4 beach and 2 acres of wooded ground. bedrms., 21/2 tie baths, recréa. rn., .2&aune Laxgehositblebosewit sreeedca gar. This. bew homre with complt 790 Eîmi Street. Winnet-ka porches. 15 roomns, 6 ba ths. JyIS t to0 iandscaping offered at $16,800. Briargate 1855 Winnetka 2700 Sept. 15th. $650. per mionth. MRS. FULLER & WM.PI AR. c.ec these and iiiany. other North Shore, 147LTN2lIte 746 Elm st,. Winn. Univ. 7444. Gre. 7220, properties in our PHOTO TOUR 0F Win. 3603. 134LTN2-ltc HOMES. . $16,000 AN B. ÇQIt's in the midst of an appie or- OPPRTNIY-WNR EA i l VJ.L1L chard. wvih lilacs and honey- town offers 4 bedrmi. hse. with 2 bathis 140 Green' Bay Rd.. Winnetka I suckies perfumaing the air, and a at mnoderate rentai. Availabie either for Winn. 3250 Rogers Park 7302 wvhite pîcket fen'ce enclosing it ,,umrner or longer. Close to trans. and .. 14LTN2-ltc a.Frmteue.wdWon * . . ilooks onur. th egrounds oaf several heated Sun rm. & slP. ix chen with cabinet sink; 2 car -gar. Moderate tei ATTRACTIVE WRITE . niai in fine N.E. loca' trees;. exceptionally ple cellent condition. 4 famn floor rms.. 21/2 ath.: oil heat. 2 car gar. $20.0 R. .M. JOHNSTI Opposite ~Terminall [asant *ns.. x ily bdrms.. 2-3rd. insulatecl. H. W. rON & CO. 1 Wilmette 444 147LTN2-lte 124 l6th st. 6 rms., 1 bâth. A pretty Dutch colonial in excellent condition. 216 Broadway ave. 7 rms., 2 bath., a Imost attrace. home in fine loc. 1003 SForest ave, 6 rms..- 11/% bathis. A col. on Ige. corner lot. WINNETKA i 458, Linden ave. 7 rms., 11!,2 batlis. An except. buy at the price. 4 bedrms.. 2 bathis. nr. trans. and'beach Iat exceptionaI price $9.000. ELM~R E. '1 7LTN2-Ite 7 ROOM BRICK Large wooded lot. 3 bedrooms, 11/2 bathe. den. OnIy 1017 dowfl and m-ontbiy payments. $13,5W0 or offer. Caîl Mr. Boyer SHORE-TOWNS REALTY CORPORATION 1603 Chicago Avenue. Evanstoi Gre. 2700 - Wil. 608 Roi.. Pk. 663 147LTN2-1tý 5 bdrms., 4½/bas., $19,750 134LTN2-ltp 7.RM. HOUSE. PLAINLY FURN. ONE , 1bath. For sumnmer mnonths or longer. Reasonabie to responsibie smail family, 893Vaiey oacl. Giencoe 1294. 893 Valey R134LT2-ltp 9 OOMS. 4 BATHS, 13REAKCFAST roomi, sun rooms. Nice location, cor- ner lot. Hubbard Woods. Caîl Winnetka 663. 134LTN1-tfO1 rmn., . also powuer j II. a..'.. N uil Lge. scr. pcb.. overlking. beautifiiily land- scaped garden. 4 mas. bedrm-n., each Ige. enough for twift beds, 2 tilè bas.; plus maids rm-. and ba. Paneled recrea. rin. wlth wood burning stonc fireplace. WINNETKA Cut from- $25.000 to $18.500! See this White colonial with green shutters oni beau. 100x175 ft. wooded lot nr. schls. trans. Indian Hill club. 4 bedrms., dressg. rmn., 3 bas.; .most attrac. 40 ft. scr. pcb. opening .from l ivg. and dia~g. rm-s.. * tVa 5a aageC5. . . . .'. ..%%iiii - block of the Hubbard Woods schooi. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 584 Lincoin avenue Wnn. '177 THE ýBILLS RÏEALTY, INC. 510 Davis St. Gre. 1166 Wil., 3740 147LTN2-te COUNTRY ESTATE i 20 acres of higb. rolling, wooded land. Beautiful 14 room English Brick home. Situated in the finest estate section of the North Shore. Trustee wil seil at a fraction of or- iginal cost. SHORE-TOWNS REALTY CEMENT) now. 86Q Spi-p A aganati. PAVLIK REALTY T t UI. 777-7 614 Green Bay rd., Kenil, Kenilworth 2016 510 147LTN2-ltc 147LTNR2-ltc --- 1 !.ý2tP

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