wil sig. Dr, Alluuuu. ialault o n chilkreft will be continued until June Il. The Adult class. of whlch ]Frank Guth- rldge la president, continues the study of tho Roformatîin on Sunday. witli a, biographical presentation of JIohn Calvin., The cburch achool ternm closes -on the second Sunday of lune. when a ChIl- dren's Day service wlll be conducted by Supt. Howard A. Berg and his assintes. Tonorirow .(Frlday) there .will be sev-ý oral meetings of our frlendshlp links. Link Fr meets at the home of the- leader, is. George N. Lamb. 115 Wood- bine avenue, at 2:30 o'clock for a very special occasion., Link R, Mrs. Guth- rldge's, bas luncheon. at the home of >lrs.' * Faith, R.F Smith. 1328 Elmwood avenue. Llnk EB of which Mrs. W., A. Hartwlig is leader, will have a luncheon at the home'of Mrs. W. K. Yates, 1131 Ashland avenue. wlth Mrs. J. D. Diriglé anti Mrs. W. T. Lane as assisting bostonses. Ltnlc N meets for luncheon with Mrs. B. W. Shearer. at' 1228 Gregory avenue. asslstlng. Link I. Mrs. R. E. Dalstrom leader, will not meet until lune 2i The Young People's soclety session on Sunday evening at 6:30 wlll consider of- ficers and plans for the coming years work. Firat tCongregationa1 John G. Hindlèy.' mînister Robert A. Edgar, assistant minister SUNDAY SERVICES Preserves. uais wila icave the LE1WV" at4 o'clock.. Supper. will be proVlded by the refreshment comnmitteé., A smnall fee wlll 'be charged to covrer expenses. Members are cordially invitedi to attend. CUR PACK MEXT1NG The last Pack Meeting of the Cub Pack 63 will be héld on Friday night in the çh éurch at 7:30 o'cloek. Each dien Will present a -skit demonstrating somne- phase o.*f safety., ,Ail cubs are urgèd to brlng their parents and friends. ORDINATION SERVICE The.public ordination of Mr. Robert A. Edigar, assistant minister. of the church. 'wlll take, place 'on Frlday ove- nlng. lune 2nd. at eîght o'clock, In the church auditorium. M e m b e rs and frientis of the church are cordlally in- viteti. St. Augustine's (Episcopal) Rev. Hubert Carleton, rector 'ev. hadler -Sterling, curewe SUNDAT, MAY 28 - aa.m. l-oly Communion WISNA 9:45 a.m. Church schoo'1 Il a .rn. Holy Communion and sermon From' Friday evening through until AttencU i lue ul ; i t5IU y! Kenilworth Union, Dr. Herbert L. Willett,, minister Di. Willett's sermon subject for Sun- day, May 2M, wlll be "Lest WNe É.orget." a themeë appropriate te Memnorial-Day. The ch4rch service is at il o'clock. The music for'the church service will be as follows: Organ Prelude--Prelude . ....... Faulkes Anithem--Call, to Remem-, brance............arrant Offertr-ffror..........Batiste Solo-My Redeemer and My Lord. .... ..........Dudley Fluck (Mr. Gatherer> The Suntiay school .will meet at 9: 45'. At 10:15 the Junior and Senior depart-' ments wilI. meet in the guilti roomn fo r a joint memorlal 'service. There ai e classes for children between the. ages of the kindergarten and the high. sehool. Visitors are invited. ~Thie -ildren'a -Day' ercses .1ofthe school will be held on June 4, in the gymnasium of the church at 10 o'elnck. The final services of the church for the season will be held Sunday, June I1. Afrthodist Churéh Wilmette avenue at Lake avenue lune 1939 to lune 1940, will be observed as Anniversary Year in this church, celebrating, one hundred' years of Illinois Methotiism' in the Rock, River Çoônfer" ence, *en years- of Wilmnette* Methodism in the- present church, building. and one year- of uniteti Methodismn as a new church.. The first of the annlversary observances wlll be Sunday. June 4. This will bé "Corne of Church" Day for ail organizations, familles, and individu- àîs of the ýchurch. Prom 4 to 6 o'cloçck in the afternoon there will be' an anr- niversary and .membership tes bonoring the new members received this Confer- ence year. This will give opportunity for members. friends and familles of the church to' become acquainteci. Put the date. of -lune' ,4, on. your -calendar: now. Our. Scout* troops meet as fol Iows: Girl Scout Troop 2-Thursdays at 3:45 p.m. Mrs. L. P. Denoyer, leader. Girl Scout Troop 4-Tuesdays at 2:45' p.m. Miss Norah Palmer, leader.' Boy Scout Troop 3-Tuesdays at 7:30 p. m. Charles Lundberg. Jr.. Scoutmnas'. June 9, 1is the date of the Juniior Guild Ice Cream' social to be held - at 1010 Elmwood avenue. Holy Comforter (Episcopal) Kenilworth avenue' anti Warwic.k roati. Kenilworth. The Rev. Leland H. Danforth. rector. WHITSUNDAY 8- A.M.-Celebration of HoIy Commiun. cnosejx as hma ubjeet, i xreeT» i Ki 01 the Church." The mnusic for the inôining worship w'ill be as follows: 'Organ Prelude-Choral "A Voice saith 'ail mon are mrortal" . .......Bach Anthem-Recessional ......... DeKoven Offertoire Solo-Litany for Ali Souls" .................... Schubert 'Walter Tenney Organ Postlude-Cortege et Litanie .. .......................... Dupreg CALENDAR 0F TUE WEEK First Evangelical 1010 Central avenu*e, Wlm-ette' The Rev. Davidi R. Kabele. pastor SUNDAY SERVICES iurch school........ ..... 9:45 a.m.. rning worship.......... .... Il a.m.' rhe music for the service of worship xt Sunday mrning is as follows: elude--"Andante" from P Minor ymphony ......... Beethoven themn-Forever Worthy is Thy . ý,m ........... Tschaikowsky - --- --- rahms tion of nOIy communion a tne Il serV- ....... .......... B ice, instead of Morning Prayers. e Funebre" .......... Guilmant 'Introit:, "Father, h "The Lord is m His , ThSii" y... . .. .. rn 'emple"............ Harrington Afol-y piri................. cank SSen horh Ty Choir director, Clare John Thomas - Anthem:' "Rest fin lune 4, the Il o'clock services will SSchubert-Dickinson be turneti over to the Sunday school. )stlude': "Doic' Toccata". . Bach at which time each class will participate hurc schol me' Sndavin a' pro.gram to which the public is