Daniel Catto n Ri eh, dfrector ot fine arts at the Art Institute of _Chicago, will speak on "The Paint- er Looks at Flowers," durmg a lec- ture he wiflpresent under, auspices of the Kenilworth Garden club.at Il o'clock Monday, June 5, at Indian HIU club. Mr. Rich will use a pro- fusion of slides, somne in color, to mlustrate the development of Mas- ter pamhtersi thefir use of flower material. He wîll spealç of the chang- ing attitude, of. painters toward this subject. A luncheon, served al fresco if the weather is favorable,> will follow the lecture, and groups- planning to at- tend mnay reserve tables. The, Éiarden. >f-.. rs.Sidney Y. terrace, Wlnnetka. Mvrs. wiUna m. Riach of Evanston will be installed. as president for another teri. Mrs. Fuller's co-hostesses will be Mrs. H. W . Hodgkins of Kenllwortb, Mrs., 'John j. Keegan of Wilmette, Mrs. J. Paul Clayton of Winnetka, MIrs. Jay S. Glidden of *Highland Park, and Mrs. John. A. Prescott and Mis. J. Everett Sanner of Evanston. Miss. Mary Gilson Will Speak at WeIlesley Club The Chicago Wellesley club will And 1il1 Shop Tee The Kenilworth center of the In- fant Welfare Society of Chiicago will have its annual tea and exhibit of the work of 'the Jack and Jili shop at the home -of Mrs. Donald La- Chance, in Kenilworth,. on Friday, May 26. In addition. to the display- of hand. made things for babie.i. and, littie tots,. a fashion ,Show will be given by a well kriown Evans- *ton shop. A second style show, a miniature one, with, littie children as mannequins, wearing the outfits the 'Jack aid Jili shop makes for s.mall boys and girls,. will be stilil. another feature of the tea. Assisting at the:tea Will be Mrs. William Jenks, Mrs. John Tittie. Mrs. Charles Gibson, Mrs. Gustav Schwarz obf Winnètka, Mrs. C. Kel- son a membei it Wellesley, a: economics at cago, and 19:Z ýw, will speak gcommittee n its slate of ýr of ton-. ýsi- Chîld models include Judy Atwood Sthe of Glencoe, Nancy Wood and Ra- ý-4 don Wood of Wilmette a nd BiIIy onLane> of the Kenilworth Garden. , The group of attractive models wilwearing the newest spring and sum- wilmer fashions will be: Miss Ruth can- and Miss Prudence. Johnson, and Mrs. William A. Whittier of Kenil- invted tw ive aM r during the summer b Arts section of the G position at San Franc *. 1Vlie hasUDee oup of lectures efore the Fine olden Gate ex- cisco.. Visif ors Benefit June 12 Mrs. George B. Everitt willg her spacious home and gardei 60 Locust road, Winnetka, Mon June 12, at 2 o'clock for a dek bridge .Party, one of the serie *lI honor of Mr. and Mrs. Walter DiUl Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Farwell Burgess of '153 Sheridan road, Glencoe; will be at home be- -Hostsf open tween the hours of 4 and 6 o'clock ml at on Sunday afternoon, June 4, for The ïï nà,the associates and trustees and fac- sembly, ssert ulty members of Northwestern uni- at the W es Of versityr. Mr. Burgess is president day of1 nf hi-hn.ard of the unveritv. andesses for for Assembly fourth On-to-New-Trier as- a program dance, was held Vinnetka Woman's club Fni- .1 ~UIIi >r about, 46 i-eseri with Fox1 Thie *submit didates