entitled "A, Trailer Camp o! 19391, ,Ond. "A Court Scene of 1964." Both of the playlets have bi1een written and produced by memnbers of!-the graduating class. 1Musical Pirogran The musical progran~i for the eve- ning Will be,!urnished by boys and girls fromn the, fifth, sixth, and. sev- enth grades. The seventhý and eighth grade Glee club, under the direction Of Mrs.. Jean, Rumnry, will'sing sev- eral numbers during the exercises.î Following -the program, therewill. be a reception for the graduates .and their families *n the aunero at *the, college with mnothers of the seventh graders act ing as hostesses.. Mrs. John Gardiner and Mrs. Hugo Dalmar, both of Evanston, are in charge of' arrangemients for the Party. Lst Graduates Children receiving their diplomnas from the Children's school are: Bud Abrahams, 2301 Sheridan rd., High- land Park; Beatrice Cahn, 205 Hàr- bor street, Glencoe; James Creagh, 115 Dupee place, Wilmette; Larry Cullis, 2916 Grant street, Evanston;, Betty Cunliff, Raleigh road, Glen- view; Charles Davis, Jr., 1208 .Ash- land avenue. Wilmette: Alan Dick-, wuMnIng uje i...trai fAUJW-yaru free.style and the high board -dlving championships ln a meet a tthe Lake Shore Athletlc club., Smashing a ten-year: old, record, Miss Eckert led a, strong field, 10 the tape i the 100-yard dash'to main- tain her reniarkable record of neyer having been dfeated ia, Centralý AAU championship, since. she entered competiti on i1931. Miss Eckert's time lor the event was 02; and 2- tenths seconds, breaking the old mark by 8-tenths of a second. .She piled up 132.32 points ini the high board -diving event to de! eat Arlite Smith, national low board champion, by a nargin -o! more than Oive points. Shawnee Coach George Eckert was particularly pleased in the hig4 board championship by the pefrac ftetoyugrdv ing aspirants of the club team, Bar- bara Rarnser and Virginia, Fitzger- ald. Barbara, who made her debut i major competition this year at the age o! 15, scored 101.17 points i the senior event last week t0 capture fourth honors. 'Earlier in the season, she won the junior Central AAU low by GEORGE:RECTOR Salute to the m rdlIcogauaêbrou*r Ing the man fbeole, n o hvnàb go mu ote e bru an oe a wenfeedg a 00>fl i Ioe hrisite terrors It onceWh. o ayubde1an«r wvho bUysw tsu ertlfled Bazno!cueadkes ber Pa"r tokdwlhtemy Othe ecmlary uboet cuts ta h isn ae fr.And' that'u umyl à good Foad P. 415.- okaw*s int o mm du Sdo Cours et MM . mm Woej a F ab. II shPPnws,1Afm y W & C. R THIY»RE OFF AGAINI Lt E1ad Dverage. 'a ilsoWus Certlfied Lauting eats are vacuum-cooked., tie flavor, ready to serve ,t seasoned. Ideal for rs and icebox smatches, W= C-tm6l amL__ roaod, C Park pl 1250, James -ewrni obsei o! KE Evai Au ot Plavoluri cold plat too.