Fruits, plants and jellies, as well as flowers, are greatly. appreciated. It is only through the .Coopération of te cmmunity as a ý whole.- t>at subs5tantial. quantities- of dônations can be assured. F or example, on ILilac day in. May, through the help of manY tontributors, the' uldwa able to dlistribute 18,,00 bunchesj of flowers in Chicago. Below is a paragraph fromn one of the many letters of ýappreciation re- ceived by the guild: Frances Juvenile Home - "Your AlIt CONDITIONUD for CC Reading ClubProgram Mrs. Harry E.ý White,. 370 Eider, lane, -Winnetkaà, entert'ained her reading club at her horne Friday afternoon.. Following a .dessert luncheon, Mrs. Henry G., Zander, Jr. of Kenilworth reviewed "Reaching for the Stars" by Nora WaIn, gave a short'talk on currenit events, and, closed with a list of outstandmng new books for summer reading. 'OMPORTAILE SHOPPING *R.gIst.ftd -~ I j I I EDGAR A. STEVENS.U mc. Evansion EDGAR A. STEVENSU Ince Evans*mn p. '*1'*