man" compares favorably .wlth lier p:rîize winning portrait, "Rosa Mia" ,-a young, girl). Elizabeth Engel- hard's prizeoïl painting of Mrs. Car rie -B1. Prou.ty ini an heirloomn dress, of interest, to many Wi nnetkans, hangs near l"Young Womnani Witl a. Igowl of'Apples" by 1. L. Dammran, a painting of luscious ec.urves. and contours,, imitative of the French school. --- Shows, Dlversli,àd .Talent AIL sorts of interesting things wvere done by Harriet Evans (first prize) in pastel. with the draperies and'the facial characteristics 0f: a niegress. On the same wall was an oil study of Archipenko, its eyes 'of amazing' alertness. Aithougli 1-elen Hare took a water color r4bbon for. ber "Arizona, Caec tus," we also, liked the casual slouch of the figures leaning over a, bridge raiing ini another water col-ý or - "Inland Waterway. Florida." Still another small gem of a water color, and there were many, was "Day Is Done" by. Harriet Keith, a farm scene with a rainbow sky. * New in Rhythîinic Design Elizabeth Boynton Millard at- tempted something new in rhythmlc design by reproducing, in oil several symphony orchestra players with their instruments. Anmong the land- scapes, a deserted tarm in où by Joseph Nash exwies'ail that nostal- gic -atrnosphere the title of the pic- ture. "Alone," infers. This too was a prize winner. An hour spent studying the 1939 spring show returns rewards of ev- rydescription - landscapes- by the master painters, Frank Pey- râud, Tom Wilder and Allen Phil- brick; personable still life studies by Cherry Sue Orr and Charlotte Wachs, and sculpturing by Nancy Coonsman Hahni, Elsie Klein, Helen Mathias, Jean LamsonnfDora <!,nlu. AIR CONDITIONED for COMFORTADLE SHOPPING 'I Le Gant GirdIes $5 and $ 7.50 win Uaswes, Fli ip Wyatt M&l H-enry Tenney, ,ame ~KiV Preston I-J Le Gant Foundations EDGAR A. ,STEVENS* mc.o $5 to $10 Evansfon I ICardigan $3.50 EDGAR A. SESkir %ýe6 )UPhlwj 'tfr a Ami .ý4e Il ýiýý