Wars Against Oppression. For fortY-five yerD.Ws a etter' ta uield the right-of-wy wagd ureentngwar againsta nd lveto drive another day! oppression, be they aimed at Jewish or flon-Jewish groups, and: has corne REMEMBER:*. Water spreads a to, be recognjzed as *one, of. the gasoline fire. If your, vehicle catches worid's great leaders in the fight to fire and no chemnical extinguisher is protect demoôcracy and liberty. available, ùuse dirorsdtoso- Wbile serving, the Amnerican Jew- ýer the lire. ish Congress, Dr. Wise bas plàyed D a vital part in the developmnet f on't ask Miss-take ta0 in troduc the World Zionist movement, having Vou to Miss-f ortune-you're in ýbad been an. associate of Theodore Herzl,' co mpany! father of nmodern 'Zionism, in the PtPee:Tedie h early days of the movement. etv v:Te dnmd~o~ river whon H1~e'fds aso er Imortntin to realize that order is essential to receiving the endorsement of the the smooth rnovement of the great- Balfour Decaration, whicb set Up est number of' vehicles at the Palestine as a homeland for the highest safe speed. Stay.in line, and Jews by President Wilson. respect the rights of others! International Leader* ** He served as president of the The bis were high, the money Zionist, Organization of Amerra 8h1 frorn 1936 Io 1938, and is a member The driver laden down with woe; of the executive comniittee of the "T'is right," he muttered in his world Zionist organizaticn. "hlight si SQ,'btIsi During the World war he. was a 'Go.'"p mnember of the Cornmittee on Labor ----- of the Couneil of National Defense M[CKEY WANTS DItA1A' and a trustee for Near East relief. MikyRoe'sbgstert In 1912 Dr. Wise hèlped'found the abto snwkon bv l Eastern Couneil of Liberal Rabbis, elambitions no playwtheAbove ail and in 1922 was a moving factor inQaioo h hnhak n"h the organization of the Free Syna- QusnoHh unchback nDme "Th gogue of New York, wbere be bas bis ----------____ pulpit at present. He is a trustee G;ETS FACE POLISHED of -the National Child Labor com- Jack Haly wore a make-up of rnittee and a member of the execu- powdered metallie silver, burnished tive cornn-ittee on Religious Minor- with a polisher, as the Tin Woodman iMes. Hle is also editor of the maga- Wiadu zine, «'Opinion." i TeWzr fO. List SponsorsI Arnong the sponsors of the birth- 1729 Sherlnan Ave. Uuiversity' Delivery Service E 0770.s re CHICAGO: 4935 B3roadway WINNETKA-: 563 Lineoin. Free Garuffe Parng5 sEwnuM GARENCHAMRS Conifortable -Weatherplroof, $2-9 The perfect foldaway chair for your te rraoe or garden, opens and closes easily, and remnains standing when folded. Natural oak, $2.95. Folding table, $2.75. White or green weather- proof finish, chair, $3.75. Table, $2.75. Fà.m June Ifo1 0I--xhibif of tu mm.r ftohie sés.witli an and china suitabl. for country onvfronmenf. * The IBLUE PAlR9T 1551 Shermnan Avenue, Evanston from pur large a.lection begin ut $13.83 SKELETON AS TUTO1R Ray Bolger worked out his eccen- trie dance as thé Scàarecrow in "The Wizard of Oz" by_ studying ail the mnove ments possible, té work, .out with a skeleton..