ly, an "unincorporatea area. unIy recently it was annexed to Wilroette, smnce. which time Mr. Blietz has laid out streets, planted. hundreds 'of evergreens in the landscaping plan and installed various utilities, aU of which are underground. Start 15 RBômes The 16 houses comprising the first unit are eiher uhder construction or will be started- within a few days. The total projectt, embracmng,39 resm' idences, on lots 55 by .125 feet,. will cost in excess 0of $600,OO. Along the west side of'the pro- ject is a gracefully :sloped, land- scaped, ridge, atop. of! which are planted every few feet, fit teen-foot evergr eens. To the west of the trees and shrubs, on the ridge, wiUl be a six-foot fence made of imaîl cedàr .eaplùigrs,, ths c4mptely ureiag~ out aUl view of Green Bay, road traf- fie, and trains to the west. AU Two-Ptuiry Homes Each of the bouses, specially de- signed by Mr. Blietz, will be two. stories with one car attached gar- age. Each w111 be featured by first floor fire-proof construction, and will have a breakfast rooni and a wood burning lireplace. of brick veneer construct second of clapboards. 'Ibe flrst story of No. 1237 will be of stone, and the second story of framne.. It wiil have six roomsg and one and one-hal! baths. The estimn- ated cost is, $10000. the Mna ha. set, jusn Open the first floor windows and tutu on the attic fan. Imniediately, you'il notice the change. Hot stcy air is pulled up sud out by the~ fan, while cool, refresh- ont lw Ar Pls iwn CodMW AirI e Does Sulmmer heat turn your home iuto a "ibake-oven"? Theu rejoice - for there' a low-cost way to Attic Fan '4*Home~ InstaIl aà mi-I and let '.O Evans.çg Un. 63-5 I o 920 ebicago 91 t