day morning at Sacred Heart churçfl ini Iubbard Woods with burial at Sacred Heart cemetery, Hle 15 survived by bis widow and by eight, eblidren: Mrs., Fillomnine Santucci o! Northbrook, Mrs. Rtose Mazetta of Glencoe, Joseph of Clarksburg, W. Va., Waddy of Glen- coe,, Mrs. Mary Pipkin o! Beverly Hiils, Chicago, Paul :,of Mortoni Grove, and Mrs. Violet Bandi and Mrs. Betty KlIoepfer o! Winnetka. -Mr. Paletti., Who was 67, was an only son. He also leaves three sis- ters. MISS MABEL TEAL Miss Mabel Teal, for mnany years a resident o! Wilmette and an active Mrs. Steffens was guest of honor at the annual dinner meeting o! Ye Olde Towne Folkes at Shawnee club Tuesday evenlng of last week, 'and it -was theré that the. award of dis- tinction was made. Trhe group pre- sented.her with a bouquet. of Amen-i can Beauty roses.' Born lu ùLog flous .1n' 'he r 83rd year, Mrsi. Steffens enjoys excellent health and retains P. Steffens is sighted at 315 Fi!- teenth street, around the corner from the home o! bts mother. At. 1501 Wil- mette avenue lives George W. Ste!- fens. Mrs. William, Boil resides at 1505. Mrs. Henry L. Brautigam m ay be'found in her home at 1509, and next door, at 1511,lives.Mrs. N. P. Schoepen. Then the -home of the mother and a son, Peter J.. Ste!- fens, at 1515, with. Mrs. Frank Zeut- schel, at 1$17 and jésepb F. ýSte!- fens at '1525. Trhere is-a pièce o! vacant land .in the block, but don't try to intrude upon the family cfr- cie. It belongs to one of the Steffens boys.> 14. Great Grandchildren iNaturanyv in a c1osely buit îettle-, Wimette avenue to the Ridge and back. She carried a wooden yoke over her shoulderýs, witha-pail on either side. Snch, she. said with a remniniscent mnile, wère the :hard- ships of early Wilmette. MEMORIAL MONUUMNMS - MUURS MAUS@XLEUMS EaOI MServis. - N*O@bMtaUu ROWUS. MORRISON Vint BUlm a"i flalMia Unl. 6373L 5aahm WbAuBç110 29, at il o'cloick, with the Rev. Ers- kmne M. Jeffords coznducting the serv- ice.~ Miss Edna Davison was the Sloist, accompanied by Miss Marie Bni. The palibearers were L. M. Hile, J. W. Humpbrles, W. H. Thay- er, and H. J. Wilott. Interment was at Elkhart, Ind. Miss Teal is survived by her mother, Mrs. E. E. Teal, a brother, J:- E. Swift Teal, o! Wilmette,1 andi a sister, Mrs. R. F. .Anderson of Detroit, Micb. JOHEN M. CAMBLON John McLeod Camelon, who was born ini London, Ont., 70 years ago,ý dieti suddenly last Thursday eve- ning at his home, 125 Fourtb street, Wilmette. He had lived in the co m- munity for about 33 years. A graduate of Queen's college, Kingston, Ont., he received his ad- vanced degree at the school of law of. Nortbwestern university, and practiced in Chicago for-many years. Mrs. Steffens' memory and she possesses a fund of tion of pioneer days which torical comrnmittee o! Ye OJi Follkes should garner for fu erations. She states tliat of ftfteen she worked for the happy disposition that has char- acterized ber throughout her long, life. She 'was born on October 31, 1856, in a log bouse whlch was re- placeti in 1884 with thb e present frame structure. There she greW to womnanhood. On Januray 11, 1876, she was married to Peter Steffens, who was also born in Wilmette, i 1854. theceremony taking place in élea t,