Commen cement activities at Mal- * linckrodt Catholie High Sehool for Qeirls,'Wilmnette, wil» begiFriday, June 2, and conclude. with, coin- *mencement- exercises Sunday ee ninig June 4i, The complète program of evenâts is announced as folow.S:I Senior Sodality Day: ,'riday, Jutne 2. Director: The, Rev.. Anthony May, S.V.D. HoIy Mass for, graduates: Sunday ýmornirig, June 4, at,,8:30 o'clock; "Maria IrnacuIata" chapel; Cele- brant. The Rev. Arnold. Jeurgens, S.V.D. *Gr aduation Breakfast: S u n da y morning, June 4, at 90 o'clock; Mal- linckrôdt Cafeteria. Commencement: Sunday evening, * June 4, at 8 o'clock; "M!aria Irnmac- ulata" chapel., The commenc~ement program is announced as follows: Proce ssional ................. Whiting Veni Creator Spiritus ....... Stoflewerk Address ........ .... Rev. R. ilflinger Ave Maria ................... Dethier Awarding of Diplomas, Honors and Scholarships ................... .... .... .Very Rev. Msgr. J. Nieumannt 0O Prase the Lord......... Mendelssohn t Benediction Jesu Duicis Memoria ...SingenbergerE Tanturn Ergo............ Singenberger1 Thanks Be toi God .............. Dickson Recessional: Toccata from Flfth See Our~ Large Assortmnent of Perennials and Anmuals in Pots and Flats AiL AT LOW CASH AN» CARRY PRICES SKOKIE BUVD. adGE V~R Claudia E c k e r t, outxtandg Shawnee club aquatic. star, lat week wonl the Central AMI 10(1 yard 1free .style and- highý board' divin g championshipa at the Lake Shore Athlettc club. Samashed a l0-year-old record in the 100- y/ard dash. Miss Adeline' Hahn la Graduate at Rosary .Miss Adeline Hahn, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. George Hahnq,ilt Sixth afreet.Wilme. iH wfll b,. Ginger Ale Lime DeR~d@o Carbomta- Water yzkr'N 'n Huttnatcher. as a senior sh Leis. Joan She did her r, Patricia Me- partment of. a raid. Kathryn- 3, Rosemnary. Miss Betty ,rnbony. - ng to the Ni lajor workin the dce- 'ae UIoaen u . etuMn. Premi off&DIs I 20r0L4yÇpay Hot1 Westoe ue Big etsafe boul. Profsslo..1 Type Composifindle it hI