rpude-Reverw......... dox $t, 0 Light Divine.....Archangelsky The Choir Solo- The Pénitent ......Van de Watwr FakDorband Poslud-FetalSon........West Victoia Mceod-Mnistry.of Music The Wonian's society will hold their müeeting on Friday of this week at the summner home of Mrs. E. D)avies at Loon Lake. Cars wlll leave from. 717 Greei-ý leef at 10:30. Our Church school convexes on -Sun. day nmornng at 9:45 o'clock. There are classes for an. We, invite- you' to corne gmd learn with us ýin our Chureh sehool. -The, School iviil continue throughoutte summer months. Attend our service of worship next Sunday morning at il o'clock. Your week will. be more loyous. our an Church Scho day, June ]Preserves, D. m. *t Lsu flefinite plans for Improver»ent of church grounds and equipment during the summer ýare 'I the hands of a com- mittee, John M. Davis,ý Ernest Butow, Walter 0. Haas and W., K. Yates. Trus- tees*-meetings Will 'be beld Jly 10 and Auguat 14 to consider recommendations. (Episcopal) The Rev.,Hubert Caneèton,.reictor The Rev. Chandler Sterling, curate SUNDAY. JUNE 18 Second.Sunday after Trinity' 8 a.m. Holy Communion il a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon There wili be no Church school classes held ni h public sehools ýare reopened in Sepe er The present year was -com- plete l 1eI. egUWpsIhave Ition of atten, n of others it os may lie in 7iII le no mi and the eecui serice ait~L ii II. £Anen Churcli Reglarly 1 Holy Comtorter (Episcopal) Kenilwýorth avenue and Warwick rond 1ev. Leland H. Danforth, Rector Second Sunday atter Trlnity. 8i A. M . - WTiv tCommunion. 886 Elm street,. Winnetka Howard A. Hermhansen, minister FRIDAY. JUNE 16 p.n.-Bible Fellowship Prayer meet- SUNDAY, JUNE 18 :45 p.m.-Bible school. Classes for ail Our Sunday school wl» go on its new schedule nexi: Sunday'. It will meet at 10 o'clock instead of at 9:30. There willl be twÀo divisions-the Junhior, whiéh wifl include. all those under high school. age; anti the Senior m- which will iniclude al those of high rochool age and over. Ai> propriate and'practical lessong will be used in both, divisions,' al based on Bible study. The Échool is open to nywho would- like. to comne.. We will wel- comne for this summer perioti seholars of other Sunday schools whlch are. closed for the summier. The annual church* pienie will be held ,Friday, lune 23. from 5 o'clock.on, at the .south end of the Harms Woods pic- nie grounds. It will ,be, under the auspices of:the Aduit Bible cIass. It wl» be 'a basket picnic. but the class-will provide salait and potatoes and ce, creamf. Familes are requested toý bring their own dishes and silver. AU. the familles and, frientis of the church are inviteci. This church wili continue its services thWouh the etire - um«tr-. '-here wi be preaching services at Il o'clock every Sunday, by the pastor while lie i8 in the village, andi by' guest preachers duing the pastor's vacation i August. We cordlally invite you to worship with US. The pastor is available for pastora services through the summer i case o! neeti, irrespective of denomination. Re may be reached by phone- Wil*mette 9:15 a. m. - First service. 9:30 a. m. - Sunday school and Bible classes. 10:55 a. mi. - .Sunday school class for children of three to five years. il a. m. - Second service. The order of service at il o'clock wil include the followmng: Prelude-Aflegro appassionata, fromn Fifth Sonata ......... Guilmant Introit-"The Lord Was My Stay- ............ Schinauck Anthem-'O Come, - Let Us Worshlp. -....... Mendelssohn Offertoire Soo-How beautiful upon the Mountains ....... Harker Postlude--Faith of our Fathérs" ......... arr. by McKinley Mrs. Ethel Wlshover will be the solist. WOMEN'S GUILD The Women's Guild wiUl close its sea- son tomorrow i an afternoon meetingi to ,be held i Pilgrim Hall.. at 2:30. o'clock. A board meeting, will pýrecedte the generël meeting. .The Neighborbpod cirçie Will be en- tertained at the home of Mrs. Hfoyt King. 711 Forest avenue, on T uesdayr. lune 20, at 2 o'clock. This wlll be an annual meeting. ICHICH ýMEN SAVE OUTING The men of the First -Conregational church plan their'annual picnic for Sat- Urday, June 17. They have chartered a.j boat and will sait from',Wlmette har- bar at 1:30. Ini addition to the ride"they will try for fish. The committee, mn charge É5 li Garrison, CanletonBanker, and F.' L.McCabe. Four happy hours of 'fun and good, fel1ùwship are Promfised ail who are. fortunate enough to go on this FPish- Ing Sait. Methodist CIurch Wilmette avenue at Lake avenue ierskine, M. Jeffoqds, mlster, SumdaY, lune 18, wll be observed ini this church as Children's Day. Th e Church school invites ail pupils and par- ents to attend the special Children's Day service to be held in the sanctuary at 10:45 o'clock. The usual 9pecial offering will be taken for the Student Loan fund. The Church schooi will assemble by de- partments at 10:30 o'clock for the pro. cessional into the chirch. The minster wili preach the Chilcren's lDay sermon. The music, as arranged by Miss Marie Briel, organist.director. will be as foi- lows: Organ Prelude: "Andante Cantabile" (VI Symphony) ..............Tschaikowsky 'Children's Prayer- (Hansel andi Gretel> .............. Hurnperduick Antheni: 'Glorious Forever-.. Rachmaninoft Organ Postlude: -Alleluia" .................;. Rogers The various departments of the Church SChool Wili have a sPecial. part in this service as fôllows: Hymn--ýHear Us, Our Father" ...... Junior TDepartment S0n-'Praise Hlm, Praise H....... Beginners Department Song--Can a Lttie Child Like Me" ...lst & 2nd Grade. Primary »ept. Scripture- lOth Psalm ...... 3rd Grade Prunary Hymn Response-.'Lord, I want ta h.e J, -ar ri o 1 IUIY 9 Sumner Asftembly ig wil»l e heit froxn il A. of Mr. ng wac